When should i move my sprouted seeds under light?


Well-Known Member
Two of my five Hindu Kush seeds just sprouted today. Looking very healthy i might add. but im not sure when i should put them under my light. any advice plz? thx.


Well-Known Member
If they have sprouted out of soil or rockwool then they should go under the light now, what kind of lighting??


Well-Known Member
yeah the seed casing is off and it is sprouted from rockwool. the lighting is sun blaster 125 watt cfl. i think its 6500k lumens? someone correct me if im wrong. and thx for the advice guys.


Well-Known Member
omfg i accidently broke one of the roots of the unsprouted ones OMFG!!! im so pissed... dam is ther any way it will survive? lol... anyways one more question when do u guys think i should start feeding it nutes?


Well-Known Member
You didn't mention sort of light.. I usually give mine a day or two of just sun (when warm enough) ..if you're using CFL put light about 10" above..then in a day or two move closer..when 1st saw tooth leaves open I move light to about 3/4" to avoid stretching.. not knowing your light wattage make this just a thought...


Well-Known Member
its a 125 watt cfl. but yeah can i save the plant i broke the root? or should i just throw it out? it was really healthy too but when i took a peak inside the rockwool i accidently grabbed it by the seed and ripped the root in two. can it continue growing? pro advice plz :-(