When should i transplant?


Hey guys, i was wonderning when i should transplant my plants, i am growing full outdoors, is it okay to plant them in normal soil or should i replace some of the soil with the potting soil?

I have plenty of time they are just popping out of the soil in their pots now. Looking into the future!! :D


New Member
You are planting them outside I assume.

First, you should wait til the last frost of the year before you transplant anything. Secondly, you should probably mix in some soil n perlite into the soil thats already there. OR, you can just dig the hole and fill it with 80% fox farm organic ocean soil and 20% perlite for drainage.


Well-Known Member
I mix up my own stuff, and dig big holes for the mix
for the ones I want to get real big.
The rest, I use containers for, so I can move them around.
I found that is very helpful, being able to move them
if need be.