When the gremlins come out


Well-Known Member
At the meeting, billed as a “disaster preparedness seminar,” they peppered city officials with questions: If Officer Wilson faces no charges, will Ferguson be able to manage the ensuing protests? Should they be stocking up on fire extinguishers, in case someone tries to burn down their stores? Should they arm themselves?

“There’s going to be protests,” Lt. Col. Al Eickhoff, an assistant Ferguson police chief, told the business owners, while urging them to be careful how they respond. “Once you pull that trigger,” he warned, “you cannot pull that bullet back.”



Well-Known Member
What, progressive justice doesn't seem fair to you?
Media got involved, potus spoke out and Al Sharpton was at the scene of the crime, so you have to admit there was due process.
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Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
The police won't help you during a riot, and at the same time try to guilt you into behavior that could possibly get you killed by not protecting you.

Why are people so blind. Once only cops have guns, them shooting you for looking funny will become the norm.