When to Harvest


Started my first plant from one seed in my stash. It is now 11 weeks old. Started flowering at 13 inches tall, 5 weeks. My question is, what strand do you think this is? I think it is a White Widow strand. How long until harvest? Here are some pics.

Any input will be greatly appreciate
Thank You; Lenhigh

DSCF9464.jpg My king pin at 11 weeks.jpg DSCF9444.jpg DSCF9442.jpg DSCF9471.jpg week-10 king pin4.jpg



Well-Known Member
Well, they aren't called pistons and your plant seems to have ATLEAST 4 weeks left. I would say 5-6 to be safe.


I thaught 3 or 4, but 5 or 6 is great .gives them buds time to get a lot biger. More yield. Thank you for your imput.


Well-Known Member
Looks great bro, but it will be impossible to tell strain. An expert on here might be able to give you a ballpark guess from her looks though.


Well-Known Member
not sure on strain, but you've got another 2 weeks to go at least, maybe 4 like a poster before me said.


Vapemasta! She is three feet, on the money. It worked out great .becuse she is just the right size for the space i put her in.
Just one seed and i got a female.Boy did i get lucky ! lol.


Active Member
it looks like you could wait another two weeks.
your buds are still going to explode onnce or twice more.
just wait till those trics look most amber
and you will know .
trust me
a few more weeks will help your yield out alot more
and the flavor will be noticebly better.
two weeks will equal FULL potential.

the ultimate harvest
is the harvest you choose to have.
with the correct choice
you have the correct harvest.
you dig?

now the ultimate choice is up to you .


Well-Known Member
Thats no white widow. Looks like a heavy sativa dom. to me. It could take up to 2 more months till harvest. Be patient. You won't regret it.


b76; Im using five ECOBULB plus , daylight 42 w. with a equivalentsy of 200 w. Two on each side, One hi and one mid plant on each side and one right on the top. I have read , thats not good for flowering , But i am having a lot of good luck with them and thear cheap to run. I like them a lot.