When to harvest...

So this is my first plant. Im askin a super rookie question lol. I cant tell how close i am to harvest. Im not entirely sure what im looking for in the trichomes. I know 50% are suppose to turn opaque and something about amber ones. I see a few amber ones but i cant tell anything else... gunna upload some close up pics. Feel like i should flush soon but i dont wanna start too early.



Well-Known Member
She's got a little time left still ....I like to shoot for around 10 to 15 percent amber ....but that's on the actual bud...not the water leaf ....also there's no need to flush ....just give water from here on out ..


Well-Known Member
Isn't giving it water from here on out flushing:confused:
When i flushed, I gave my plant water until it was coming out the bottom, waited a few minutes for the salts to dissolve, then did it again to remove them. Just watering with water doesnt remove everything from the soil at once, just allows the plant to use up what is left as it needs :)


Well-Known Member
It also seemed like there are more amber trichs on the leaves like hazed said, I'd look at the actual buds to tell. From what i can see shes got a little time left


Well-Known Member

"What is the Point of Flushing Before Harvest? (Leaching Extra Nutrients Out of Buds)

Flushing is free and easy technique that may improve the quality and smoothness of your cannabis buds beforeharvest. Sounds good, right? Of course it does! But growers must also be careful with flushing before harvest because if you do it too early you can actually hurt your quality (and reduce your yields)!

The process of flushing involves giving your plants just plain water with no nutrients for a period of time before harvest. For growers who normally give water to their plants with nutrients in it, you would water your plants as normal with the same type of water you normally use, but you don't add any nutrients. Depending on the setup, growers usually flush their plants this way for a few days up to about 2 weeks."


Well-Known Member
all fertilizer systems instruct a decrease in nutrient supply as the plant matures to finish.
I believe the flushing part is when those nutrients are decreased.
washing away vital soil web activity, microbial development is ceased, ph is changed, fungus is killed,
root zone oxygen is depleted..... during
perhaps the most important part of bud development
in order to erroneously clear a plant of off flavors due to over feeding is ridiculous.
Good stuff to know, thank you. Youre right i dont see much amber on the bud. Was thinkin itd all be at the same stage. So ill start watchin the bud. What about the pistils do they change more too?

The plant is sage n sour by THseeds. Says it should be ready by early october. But i started the beginning of march so i wasnt sure if itd finish earlier too.
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too larry

Well-Known Member
. . . . . . . What about the pistils do they change more too?

. . . . .Says it should be ready by early october. But i started the beginning of march so i wasnt sure if itd finish earlier too.
The pistils will turn brown and recede into the bud as it swells.

Start of veg time has no impact on flower start time as long as it's sexually mature when the nights start to get long. It's strain specific, but as soon as the nights get long enough, it will start to flower.

Plants are looking good. Good luck the rest of the way.
thanks BuzzyGuzzy, you too. I'm definitely learning a lot too. I'm getting lights this weekend to setup indoor for the winter. pretty excited. mostly so I can keep practicing. the guys on here are really helpful.
by the way, when you guys water do you do a deep watering or just a light water. because my friend grows and he waters every day but just a light watering. and I was doing a deep watering ever 2 or 3 days when it looked like it started to droop. reason I did that is I was over watering at first and I killed a few seedlings.... this one lived but it never got real big. so I'm trying to avoid over stressing my next grow. definitely learned a lot about watering this time around...


Well-Known Member
by the way, when you guys water do you do a deep watering or just a light water. because my friend grows and he waters every day but just a light watering. and I was doing a deep watering ever 2 or 3 days when it looked like it started to droop. reason I did that is I was over watering at first and I killed a few seedlings.... this one lived but it never got real big. so I'm trying to avoid over stressing my next grow. definitely learned a lot about watering this time around...
Add more perlite to your soil next time ...lots more ....I water thoroughly and then wait until the plants ask me for water ...if you let your plant start to wilt a little inbetween waterings, you can get the schedule dialed...wilted plant is back to normal in 15 to 30 minutes after given water....while a overwatered plant can take days to recover and be stunted from it .....GL

too larry

Well-Known Member
Hey there all you wonderful growers. I am at an exciting time of my very first grow. She seems to be getting pretty close to harvest but I am not exactly sure when to harvest. Any ideas of predictions? All of these photos are from within 2 hours of this post.
Looks like you still have a couple weeks at least. Hard to tell without closeups of the buds though.


Well-Known Member
Isn't giving it water from here on out flushing:confused:
that depends on how much fertilizer is available to the plant at this stage. I water only all the way through, I add fertilizer weekly, and I skip the last couple weeks feeding. I still see solid ferts in the top soil so it isnt a water flush really, some could say I feed to the end8)


Well-Known Member
Good stuff to know, thank you. Youre right i dont see much amber on the bud. Was thinkin itd all be at the same stage. So ill start watchin the bud. What about the pistils do they change more too?

The plant is sage n sour by THseeds. Says it should be ready by early october. But i started the beginning of march so i wasnt sure if itd finish earlier too.
october is probably correct then. pistils will recede sometimes, also change colors, sometimes very colorful sometimes white sometimes brown.