When to switch her to 12/12?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys my plants looking pretty good now, been vegging it since around jan 6th with couple setbacks in growth slightly here and there as was first grow and just going with it, its around 2-2.5 ft tall its indica dominate so decent height, starting to show preflowers or whatever those are should i switch to 12/12 light stage now?



Well-Known Member
Hey guys my plants looking pretty good now, been vegging it since around jan 6th with couple setbacks in growth slightly here and there as was first grow and just going with it, its around 2-2.5 ft tall its indica dominate so decent height, starting to show preflowers or whatever those are should i switch to 12/12 light stage now?
I would bend her down sideways and give her another two weeks. You will be disappointed in the yeild of a tall lanky plant like that. Im assuming your light is not up to par? And you should lose the foil. Foil is a terrible reflector, prolly only reflecting heat.


Well-Known Member
foils all o got to work with atm so better then nothing indeed lightings not the best, and bend it over and let it grow more how would that work? i also still got 2-3 more feet to use as its propped up


Well-Known Member
foils all o got to work with atm so better then nothing indeed lightings not the best, and bend it over and let it grow more how would that work? i also still got 2-3 more feet to use as its propped up
Look into lst, if you bend her over, litterally at a 90 degrees it will make all the little sprouts on each node grow upwards and it will be a fuller bush. You may have the room to grow it a little taller but your light wont penetrate deep enough for a really tall plant. Bend it down and once your bush get to ba about a foot tall then flower it.


Well-Known Member
Dont be afraid to bend it low, and kinda circle th pot with it. Even if you have to do a little at a time. Or you can slowly work the stem back and fourth until it feels more bendable. Try not to snap the stem, but if you do it will be just fine and heal itself.


Well-Known Member
alroght thanks alot man, will try this out, will start really gentle see how she goes over next cpl days and how far can bnd


Well-Known Member
Use like a twist tie at the top and bend it downwards like a rainbow securing it to the pot. You can do a little at a time. Then in a few hours tighten the string more until its less of a rain bow and more like a almost right angle, then you can kinda start to circle the pot a little.


Well-Known Member
The problem is not with the plant or the grower its to do with the amount of juice light been used,that's why you have got large gaps between nodes.

Get a 600 hps or a t5 with min of 4 tubes,this will increase the yeild but not by much,a 600 will increase the yeild by 99.9 % but with this you will need a good exaust and inlet .

Good luck stay at it .........................................peace tyke...................


Well-Known Member
Next time keep your lights closer so it wont stress and do some low stress training (LST) to your plants. Especially now before you switch to flowering.


Well-Known Member
will defintley get more lighting for nextime, all i had starting was 13w cfls updated to 23ws which does way better, but main goal is got new seedlings im putting in the woods to hopefully grow massive, and being this one was planted so early may try my first grow on this plant on an indoor harvest


Well-Known Member
Re-pot it and bury as much of the stem as you can. It will push out new roots from the buried stem. Then bend it like others have said.

Also I would not sweat over the foil. The hottest spot is the light bulbs not the reflection of the light.


Well-Known Member
Re-pot it and bury as much of the stem as you can. It will push out new roots from the buried stem. Then bend it like others have said.

Also I would not sweat over the foil. The hottest spot is the light bulbs not the reflection of the light.
Cosign, totally agree and that would help with it being so stretchy. Forgot to mention it myself. Bury that sucker!


Well-Known Member
thanks guys, also it was just retransplanted lasr week but inly got a couple extra inches down the pots a 10-15l one, ill work with the stretching a bit as not looking to try to grow likehalf pound but even doing lil lst decent amount would be good also should i have littl desk lamp under it pointing up give it a litrle extra or would the multiple light locations confuse the plant


Well-Known Member
If it where mine I would give it a good pinch and bend it where I drew the circle. Make it as level with the ground as possible. Then I would be looking at staking it so it wont stand back up and for support when it flowers. All of those little shoots will reach for the light and grow flowers somewhat the same size. Also, having light under the plant wont confuse it.



Well-Known Member
You cant be afraid to bend it or even pinch it. That is not LST, the main top needs to be bent lower then the little sprouts, then the plant will respond by the little sprouts growing and competing to be the main cola. Soon you will have several tops. But only if you get the main top lower, otherwise your waisting your time.


Well-Known Member
You have to get some string and tie the top down so its top is almost touching the dirt. Hard to explain, look up LST. You havent done any LST to it at all.


Well-Known Member
alrighthanks alot, yeah i was a little confused there lol, i will bend it now see how she goes, also thanks alot for the help guys hope it will grow more throughly and large