When to switch to 12/12? *PICS*


Well-Known Member
Start a new grow I think it's too late I mean really it they wont flower anything now the way there dying can't you tell.


Active Member

PUT 20/20/20 + water and cut all the yellow leaf..... they are not overwatered.. they UNDERwatered.... also spray water about 4-6 time a day on the leaf !

take a baseball bat, swing it into the air in the direction of your room mate head...

give me some new please !!!


Active Member
where can you get those Y sockets that allow for multiple CFLS? I have a 400W HPS that is just to hot and expensive.


Active Member
I agree with Dragoneye. They look underwatered. Make sure they're watered, maybe spray the leaves a bit, and keep the humidity up. I'm talkin 50+%. Put an uncovered bowl of water in there if you don't have a humidifier.


Well-Known Member
Pleasepost some new pics as we need to help you as much as we can to see how your scheduling is doing. Thanks


Active Member
sorry, dude she died just a few days after posting those last wilted pics. I still dont know waht caused it. She just drooped straight down with the leaves and smaller branches were soft and sagging also. I know it cant be overwatering, theres no way! i felt like i was barely watering it. maybe a humidity issue or a miracle grow issue haha. Oh yeah, im using the same mg soil i used in my last grow, like literally the same soil in the same pots reused. do u think the slow release nutes are already all working and f'ed up my plant? lmk


Active Member
So I'm just curious, but did it actually die or did you just kill it? Also, if you used the same soil, did you add nutes at all? I'm no pro like some of the people on RIU, but my girls looked similar for a bit when my humidity was way down (15-20%). However, they perked right back up when the humidity was in check. I'm still trying to learn so let me know what killed her off.


Well-Known Member
Well think there is too many variables here to make an educated guess about whut kilt them purty little girls. You got room mates and re pots going on at the same time frame. Poodle coulda walked by and pissed on it etc. Who knows?



Active Member
well i just killed it bc it was too young and messed up. oh well, i already have a new grow on its way. I have four going right now with another couple germinating. they are all bagseed though, but thats my decision. Anyways here they are, hopefully these will stay healthy for me. This time im usin regular soil with no releasing nutes or anything in it.



Well-Known Member
That was stupid. You should have listened to the users on the forum and just given her some weak nutes in a shit-ton of water. You have no idea what a little water can do.

I came back from a two-week vaca to two two-foot tall plants that had been beautifully vegged before I left that looked much much worse than that. It was just lack of water. Two hours later after some plain water and weak nutes, and then looked as good as ever.

If you have a nute issue, the leaves are not going to be that green. You know how to tell whether it's under or over-watered? You stick your finger in the soil up to the first joint. If it's dry, they're not overwatered.

BTW - wtf did you plant in, bark dust? Sheesh ... and cough up the dough for some new soil each grow or you'll regret it.



Well-Known Member
btw what is "regular soil"? if you want success growing you're going to need to be a little more controlled with how you feed/take care of your plants.


Active Member
dude i didn't just kill it. Immediately when i came home the first thing i did was check on her, and noticed it so i gave her some water. As a matter of fact i tried curing her for like over a week giving her water and trying to raise the humidity by putting bowls of water in there. It did not help bc everyday they drooped worse and worse then the leaves basically shriveled up. Even after that i cut most of the bad leaves off and tried to start new growth but did no happen either.

oh, and the soil is just regular potting soil. the brand is Hyponex.


Well-Known Member
if u like toppping ur plants dont do it till atlest the 7th or 8th node.. unless ur name is antmoon and u do it on 3rd to 4th node and is a expert haha then dont do it until like 7th or 8th specially since ur using CFLs