When will Donald blow and who is gonna go to jail, best guesses

What will Donald do now?

  • Have a nervous break down

  • Tied to a chair squirming with a ball gag in his mouth

  • Heart attack or stroke

  • Run to Vlad on AF1 when the trial starts (best) I'll bet people are watching for it.

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Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I'm bored Dudley and want to support the young fellows in my community with views, very entertaining too, great tunes, what not to like. Was gonna fly today but some one dropped by. Dongle is a psycho and a troll, and I want to teach him how a man behaves, wanna argue the point?
Nope lol.


Well-Known Member
I over looked one possibility, and was thinking about it for a second or two.

They might do a 25th amendment on Donald, to try and avoid an impeachment trial, it would be a clever move by the GOP and if Donald cracked wide open, the democrats would have little choice but to go along. But, only if a special independent prosecutor was appointed, like Mueller but with real power and as wide a scope as they need.

Anybody think this is a reasonable possibility?

The GOP does not want an impeachment trial and the 25th followed by a forced resignation might be how the national nightmare ends. Pence would be Pelosi's puppet, even more so than Donald is Putin's. It would set the GOP up for disaster in 2020, even more than impeachment, but not as much as Donald running to Russia on AF1, that would finish them on the spot.

Dats my bike punk

Well-Known Member
Donald is done and he might be gone sooner than expected, if Pence resigns Nancy is POTUS. She does not want the job, she wants Mike Pence to have the job until 2021. Nancy is wise, she owns Pence like Putin owns Trump and will make the bastard sign an abortion rights bill and a bunch of other stuff he won't like. !:)

Nancy will own Moscow Mitch too...

List those you think will end up in prison?

How many total will go to prison, watergate there were 70 who were fucked?

How much bigger is this scandal and how many assholes are gonna go to jail. 100, 200, 400, 600, 800...

Who will be the GOP nominee in 2020, not Pence, he will have the blame and might stay out of jail.
Your delusional. Impeachment will never get through the Senate. Our founders made sure that sore losers in the house couldnt overthrow an election by impeachment. They have been trying this game since the day he won. He will not be impeached and Biden will lose in 2020 hands down. This whole thing was a ploy to get Biden on the hot seat for doing exactly the thing that trump is accused of doing.


Well-Known Member
Your delusional. Impeachment will never get through the Senate. Our founders made sure that sore losers in the house couldnt overthrow an election by impeachment. They have been trying this game since the day he won. He will not be impeached and Biden will lose in 2020 hands down. This whole thing was a ploy to get Biden on the hot seat for doing exactly the thing that trump is accused of doing.
You don't sound black to me punk, are you a racist using a black man's image to abuse him in public? Old habits die hard they say, and you've come to the killing ground. I'm gonna back off ya fur a spell and let an intelligent black man whip on yer dumb ass fur awhile, I'll just sit back and watch as ya run off with blood running out of yer arse.

How do I know this?
Racism is a character defect, common in inferior people, it's more of a symptom of social and emotional retardation than anything else.
You are easy prey for me and easy fur my buddy Foggy who I would like to have the honor, of beating the shit out of you here, if ya got the guts to stand up to a black man who is better than you, I figure ya don't. That's why yer a racist and a traitor, your fear comes before your common sense and your country, deep down ya know yer a loser.

@Fogdog he's all yours my friend. Stick around coward, I wanna see how ya do, I figure you'll chicken out, and run with yer tail between yer legs like a fucking yellow dog. Prove me wrong, gang attack him and I'll watch, but if he hollers, look out.

If ya don't stick around yer probably a Russian, troll or a coward, take yer pick. Punk, member since: Joined May 6, 2019, a sure sign of a sock, any morons get banned in the last week?
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Dats my bike punk

Well-Known Member
You don't sound black to me punk, are you a racist using a black man's image to abuse him in public? Old habits die hard they say, and you've come to the killing ground. I'm gonna back off ya fur a spell and let an intelligent black man whip on yer dumb ass fur awhile, I'll just sit back and watch as ya run off with blood running out of yer arse.

How do I know this?
Racism is a character defect, common in inferior people, it's more of a symptom of social and emotional retardation than anything else.
You are easy prey for me and easy fur my buddy Foggy who I would like to have the honor, of beating the shit out of you here, if ya got the guts to stand up to a black man who is better than you, I figure ya don't. That's why yer a racist and a traitor, your fear comes before your common sense and your country, deep down ya know yer a loser.

@Fogdog he's all yours my friend. Stick around coward, I wanna see how ya do, I figure you'll chicken out, and run with yer tail between yer legs like a fucking yellow dog. Prove me wrong, gang attack him and I'll watch, but if he hollers, look out.

If ya don't stick around yer probably a Russian, troll or a coward, take yer pick. Punk, member since: Joined May 6, 2019, a sure sign of a sock, any morons get banned in the last week?
Wow how does a black person sound? Who is the actual racist here. I already said my peace so no need to stick around. Typical liberal to call someone a racist for no reason whatsoever other than to undermine them. I also wont resort to cursing at you. My folks taught me better than that. Have a great day angry dude.


Well-Known Member
Wow how does a black person sound? Who is the actual racist here. I already said my peace so no need to stick around. Typical liberal to call someone a racist for no reason whatsoever other than to undermine them. I also wont resort to cursing at you. My folks taught me better than that. Have a great day angry dude.
Good disguise, not one person thinks you're a sleaze bag troll sock.

Dats my bike punk

Well-Known Member
Good disguise, not one person thinks you're a sleaze bag troll sock.
I dont care man. I just saw this post pop up and responded to the delusional comments. I have 100 better things to do than argue on this forum about politics when in fact your opinion and anyone elses will change absolutely nothing. Adam Schiff is a liar and made up a story and walked it back. MSNBC fanboys ate it up. Trump will not be impeached and will be re elected. Deal with it. We will revisit this thread in november.


Well-Known Member
I dont care man. I just saw this post pop up and responded to the delusional comments. I have 100 better things to do than argue on this forum about politics when in fact your opinion and anyone elses will change absolutely nothing. Adam Schiff is a liar and made up a story and walked it back. MSNBC fanboys ate it up. Trump will not be impeached and will be re elected. Deal with it. We will revisit this thread in november.
You sound like a triggered snowflake, you should go to your safe space.


Well-Known Member
I dont care man. I just saw this post pop up and responded to the delusional comments. I have 100 better things to do than argue on this forum about politics when in fact your opinion and anyone elses will change absolutely nothing. Adam Schiff is a liar and made up a story and walked it back. MSNBC fanboys ate it up. Trump will not be impeached and will be re elected. Deal with it. We will revisit this thread in november.
Will Trump win the popular vote?

Trump's words and actions are not those of an innocent person. Why does he fight "transparency"? What does he have to hide, since he's innocent?


Well-Known Member
Your delusional. Impeachment will never get through the Senate. Our founders made sure that sore losers in the house couldnt overthrow an election by impeachment. They have been trying this game since the day he won. He will not be impeached and Biden will lose in 2020 hands down. This whole thing was a ploy to get Biden on the hot seat for doing exactly the thing that trump is accused of doing.
Wow, so you are saying that the real whistle blower is Donald J. Trump?bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I think Hillary is gonna get involved now, to goad Donald into fucking up bigly. The base will attack her out of reflex and forget all about the democrat who is running for office. If she were to go on a public rampage, insulting Trump now, he would go off the deep end, if she called him a phony and a pathetic loser who will be walked out of the WH in cuffs like a whipped dog. Do a Donald on Donald. Donald would go nuts and forget about his date with congress as he freaked out and went into snowflake land, his true home.
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Well-Known Member
Donald Trump, at his absolute worst

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump is clearly angry and shaken -- despite his occasional public insistence that he is neither -- by the revelations surrounding his efforts over the summer to pressure the Ukrainian President to investigate Joe Biden.
How do I know? Because I watched the President's news conference with the Finnish President on Wednesday -- a spectacle of bullying, victimhood, anger and vengeance that is shocking even for Donald Trump.
Asked whether he would cooperate with the subpoenas from the House related to the impeachment investigation, Trump said this:
"This is a fraudulent crime on the American people, but we'll work together. With shifty Schiff and Pelosi and all of them, and we'll see what happens, because we did absolutely -- I had a great call with the President of Ukraine. 100%."

Trump went on to accuse House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-California) of having a "mental breakdown" during his questioning of acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire. "He should resign, and some people even say it was treason," Trump added of Schiff.
He said that the rough transcript of the Ukraine call, which administration officials made very clear was not an exact transcript, was, in fact, "a transcript done by very, very talented people, word for word, comma for comma, done by people that do it for a living."
He referred to himself as a "very stable genius." He claimed, with zero proof, that Schiff has co-authored the whistleblower complaint. He said to the assembled media, "You never had wins with other presidents, did you?"
On and on and on it went.

What we know of Trump is that when he feels most in jeopardy and most cornered, he retreats into his worst instincts -- namely, bullying and paranoia. Everyone is against him -- and they are all terrible, evil, vicious people. He is being persecuted like no president ever before. His sole crime? Doing more great things better than anyone else.


Well-Known Member
a play on your title..do you disagree?

<insert 80s Trump pic with pile of blow now missing from the web here>
I'm here to be a friend to decent people and an enemy of evil people who harm others and the community, I don't consider you evil. Most threads devolve into other topics before they die at the end of the pack and folks move on to new threads. I like to post humor and figure out the way people behave including Donald, kinda as a hobby. I'd like to watch Trump go down from inside America, here.

Most are here because of the modern world and social isolation that technology fosters, there are not to many people to talk to, as everybody is wrapped in their media cocoon and seldom interact in person. People want others to talk to and discuss current events and ideas, I do too, very much and it's why I came here. Unlike other sections of the forum that are more about sharing, this one has some rather unique characteristics, trolls, Russians and others trying to fuck with folks heads (like me, openly) and generally ruining the experience for many and creating a paranoid social landscape, destroying trust and causing harm to individuals and the community. Most antisocial personalities don't have a nice thing to say to anybody and spend all of their time trying to cause harm and seeking vengeance, most sections are about sharing, this one is often one of combat, I fight for others, you.
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Dats my bike punk

Well-Known Member
I think Hillary is gonna get involved now, to goad Donald into fucking up bigly. The base will attack her out of reflex and forget all about the democrat who is running for office. If she were to go on a public rampage, insulting Trump now, he would go off the deep end, if she called him a phony and a pathetic loser who will be walked out of the WH in cuffs like a whipped dog. Do a Donald on Donald. Donald would go nuts and forget about his date with congress as he freaked out and went into snowflake land, his true home.
Again the house means absolutely nothing. It will land in a senate trial and be tossed out. They have been talking impeachment the day he was elected and all these so called clowns that were moving to canada never left lol. As if canada would allow anyone to take up residency anyway. Canadians have the toughest immigration laws in the world and yet bash trump for trying to protect our borders. Pretty ignorant.