When would I need bigger pots?

I've got them in these pots and was wondering when I should change them to bigger pots. They seem to be growing kinda slow now but unsure as this is my first grow. Ask me any questions that would help you answer my question and don't say anything about the mess my dog just destroyed a bag of soil and ripped up a lot of stuff. I don't know the litres of the pots either it only has cms on the side



Active Member
Id say you have a at least another 2'. Ive had a 3' in a 1gal(short nodes)doing just fine. Doesnt say to much though i have had one that was 1' tall filling a 2.5gal bucket (thick roots, was crazy)
shit id just go ahead and repot them, they would love it and youd see a lot of growth in a week..
Yeh I was thinking of just chucking them in some big pots for the final transplant hoping they have got enough roots to hold the soil together and it dosent break apart when I transplant them


Active Member
yes sir, I always weight til my babies need water, then I'll replant them and then water with phd water and super thrive the first feeding then go back to my normal schedual..