Where are people on the political spectrum?

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I'm somewhat right of center and slightly more libertarian. I'm surprised at both thinking it would be farther right, and not libertarian.


Active Member
I wush they had someone to compare me to. In fact, they don't even have anyone in my quadrant


I wush they had someone to compare me to. In fact, they don't even have anyone in my quadrant
I think Ron Paul would probably be in that quadrant (right libertarian). Although perhaps slightly to the right as you're pretty close to center on the economic scale. Rocky Anderson is in that quadrant as well.


While he's to the left of you on the economic scale you aren't terribly far from Dennis Kucinich overall.


ETA: Just noticed Ron Paul is actually (barely) not in that quadrant as of the 2008 election, although I'm not sure why.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
That test is stupid. It moves you right and up if you disagree with abortion. Anti-abortion can actually be libertarian depending on your reason. If it's because you disagree with taking away the liberty of the murdered child, that's libertarian. If you don't want the child that bad, be the true pathetic fuck you are and do a murder suicide with your unborn child.

Anyone who would choose their own life over their offspring isn't human, they're a lower animal. There's more to humans than our desires, emotions, instincts and self preservation. We have a brain and can understand moral issues.

Our actions have consequences, and no one but ourself should stop us. But there becomes a point our actions deprive other's liberty and we know it too, yet if we choose to anyway, others have permission to stop you from taking wrongly theirs and on behalf of others.

So society has the right to intervene when you take away the defenseless unborn's liberty, even though the unborn are unable to stop you.

My biological parents violently abused me. As a toddler you can't fight back. No one became my advocate. Not the rest of my family once they found out, nor the authority, like doctors or police gave a fuck.

If anyone harmed my children, they're dead.


Active Member
I think that, overall, the left-right paradigm boxes us in and discourages free thinking. That said, if I had to slap a "political"/ideological label on myself I'd self identify most closely as an anarchist. Radical feminism and certain sociological frameworks also shape my personal philosophy a great deal.
Well then you are not very smart are ya...


Active Member
The problem is that we are so uneducated and can barely understand our own Gov. and how we were founded etc. That it seems impossible for most to understand what they are etc.That questionnaire is bullshit.Here is a question or 2.Who is your Senator?Who is your Representative?What form of Government do we practice?Is there a "right"To vote?What is really the 2nd Amendment.What is individualism?Who were the founders?Should I read the Constitution?The Declaration?Do I pay taxes?Am I contributing to society?Do I give back?We are so fucked up.....My kids are screwed


Active Member
Leftist only pretend to care about the people...it is a Mirage to grab power and control the weak......They thrive on the weak and hope to destroy the individual out of fear....Stalin and Hitler killed MILLIONS


Well-Known Member
Hitler was nowhere near right....he was a stone cold leftist and if you let that stupid chart educate you rather than open a book.....
Yep, perfect example why I reject labels. It is un-fair all the way around. Un-fair to all.

Fascism and Communism only differ by the theory of who owns and how is controlled, the means of production. In a way Fascism is more honest. Union thugs control the means for the govt, through violence.

Communism needs this faked up, communal, comrade approach. Dis-honest.

So, that chart is from some specious theorist selling books. It only matters in that, it is the labels that are the means of control. Name the thing and dis-regard all else. You masses don't have to think. Just look where they put Romney, he never acted that way as Governor.

It's just made up. It has no definitions. Most of us are in the dead center on the real issues. That area that is not shown. So, it is a ruse. A simple rule of Power. It makes you think you are so good with your label and let's you denigrate with labels the others you don't THINK you agree with. So, you never listen to it. And thus it is ever so.


New Member
my friend said he is 3% conservative, 2% liberal, and 95% independent.

I said..So your only 5% retarded? cmon man I know your not even 1% retarded your a smart guy!


Well-Known Member
All of the people who have had an opinion on what the left/right paradigm connotes on this thread seem to lack understanding of it. It is socioeconomic. Hitler was right wing. He was very authoritarian. It is a paradigm, not a false dichotomy. If you don't know that, read about the French Revolution. Both the left and right are equally capable of authoritarian and totalitarian tyranny. It is a socioeconomic paradigm. I have only seen one idiot here say they want a system more authoritarian and that is illegalsmile. Aside from him it is a pretty clear majority of libertarian leaning folks.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I'll say that all leads to tyranny. Even un-fettered Liberty. Certainly this opinion and emotion tampering is tyranny. The 1/2 lies and no truth is tyranny. (the other 1/2 is lies also.)

The tyranny of opinion means there is no middle ground. But, I'm sure now, I have no need to take sides.


Active Member
All of the people who have had an opinion on what the left/right paradigm connotes on this thread seem to lack understanding of it. It is socioeconomic. Hitler was right wing. He was very authoritarian. It is a paradigm, not a false dichotomy. If you don't know that, read about the French Revolution. Both the left and right are equally capable of authoritarian and totalitarian tyranny. It is a socioeconomic paradigm. I have only seen one idiot here say they want a system more authoritarian and that is illegalsmile. Aside from him it is a pretty clear majority of libertarian leaning folks.

You are 1000% incorrect. He was not right wing he was left.He used socialist Ideas to bring together the people.He loved Unions and manipulated people partly through that one prism.You are wrong.Its about ones ideas/views etc.and his views were leftist viewpoint.This forum is far to small to talk about a subject so large.I can understand why a person would think this but Hitler was not "Right Wing"


Active Member
I would agree with the Libertarian part......It does have its "weaknesses"but definitely hard working,individualists,free thinkers tend to be libertarian.


Well-Known Member
It is weird in Germany today with the translations. I finally realized they were referring to total control by govt as conservative. And they call making the govt give up control of people and companies, being liberal.

So, don't count much from Europa. It gets lost in the various translations; actual, political, etc.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
It is weird in Germany today with the translations. I finally realized they were referring to total control by govt as conservative. And they call making the govt give up control of people and companies, being liberal.

So, don't count much from Europa. It gets lost in the various translations; actual, political, etc.
dont believe the hype.

in europe the left spent 60 years redefining the language(s) so Left means "anything Good" and Right means "anything Bad"

conservatism (what we call "right" in the US) assumes that our society has things worth preserving, and before we scrap the whole constitution and adopt the Communist manifesto as our new foundational document, the "Progressives" should show why their proposed changes are good.

Liberalism, Progressivism, Leftism, Anarcho__________ism, and the panolply of names used by the "Change Everything for Change's sake" crowd approach our society from the opposite position, that everything we know, everything we believe and everything that has gone before is irredeemably corrupt and based in exploitation, wickedness, and brutality, thus we should splash the entire system with (environmentally friendly) methyl alcohol and Burn That Motherfucker Down!!

the lefties use so many names so you cant pin them down on their ideology. they are hiding their real agenda behind word games and semantics, but when you pick apart their positions, it's just the same old tired soviet-style marxism.