Where Are The Pure Sativa Strains At?!

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Well-Known Member
meh I'm gonna ignore it... hazy still has useful contribution. you can take his strong opinions towards sativa hybrids with a grain of salt... but you cant doubt the fact that he's looked into a lot of seed banks for sativa specifically...which is useful in my eyes.


Well-Known Member
man between that avatar and that signture how do you expect anyone to focus on the words you say???

good troll repellant I bet tho....


Active Member
try highgrade-seeds.com. honest and plainly explained, with percentages of sativa and or indica for all their strains.I have ordered and grown many stains from these folks ,and I have usually grown predominatly sativas with excellent results.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
that hurts that you think I'm that big a dickhead, BUT first you'd have to absolve your love of the evil satan Hazey
that's funny, because i DESPISE
- heavy metal
- greed
- global warming
- go with the flow apathy
- mob mentality
- violence in the media
- lies & corruption
- & fucking troll instigating

to the point that i'm a WAY FUCKING BETTER person than most people you'll meet and don't give a flying fuck who doesn't like it that i don't play their games and am PROUD to be the kind of fucking person to go against the flow & piss pieces of shit with no fucking empathy or semblance of truth and scruples off! to be hated by scum is a FUCKING BLESSING!


Well-Known Member
man your digging your self a hole

and why no metal?

thats sad

greed i get...

you hate the green house effect? i dont advocate the scare tactic of global warming but the greenhouse effect does exist just not as scary or crazy as people make it seem

go with the flow apathy? apathy in my opinion is KNOWING when something shouldnt be and accepting that your not gonna do anything about it, go with the flow is not a good

euphemism to use.

mob mentality? we all have it its something you cant control we imitate each other

violence in the media? how about the real problem media disclosure the absolving of true unbiased news

lies and corruption yah i get it

troll instigating i understand but this isnt trolling you just built your self up

like many people seeking attention they build them selves up into some icon of purity or trying to deny everything that people are saying you are

just understand that all your doing is building a house of fake cards

you came searching for help , and turned into a master of some sort?

i dont care who you are as a person

but just watch how you carry your self around other people

you might get some jarring reactions in real life

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
durban poison is pure sativa, but sativa seeds' URBAN poison is 25% NL#5

posted 11-05... 2 actual harvests.
posted 11-08... 1 Sweet Deep Grapefruit

starting to become really clear, someone is FULL OF IT.
fuck you.jpg

as to that long reply, i don't care HOW MANY head bangers TRY to deny heavy metal is the devil's music, they only make themselves stupid in their denials of ALL of the fucking ozzie osbourne shout at the devil records and every other metal band like black sabbath (named after satanic rituals performed in a church FACT!!!), SLAYER (MURDER, duh!) or iron maiden (a murder/torture device... a spiked tomb) or the FACT that BOTH admitted satanists i've known were into heavy metal and the second one was the worst excuse for a human being i've ever met in my ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE. i'm not hearing it. try and spin that shit on someone gullible enough to believe that metal records with pics of pentagrams have nothing to do with satanism and that devil fingers mean something else. for that matter, try and convince them that it doesn't SOUND angry and evil. too fucking bad if i piss any satanists off!

as to the media lies thing, i TOTALLY am on board with that! i was sayiong "what fucking ALLEGED left wing media bias are you fucking taking about you fucking dittohead moron?!" DECADES before that became fashionable.

here's some PROOF about heavy metal, like it should even fucking NEED proof as it's always been what it's always fucking been!

do you REALLY want to try and put a fucking POSITIVE spin on that scum shit and keep a straight face? do ya? if i were you, i'd quit while i'm just under par there unless you like looking ridiculous in the face of facts. evil, demons, pentagrams, necrophila, flames, murder, weapons... it's all there.

you know, i've yet to meet a single fucking head banger honest enough to admit the shit they OPENLY FUCKING ADVERTISE like somehow just denying the facts will make them go away.

BTW i've had at least a couple hot chicks hit on me that totally disgusted me & got the "no thanks" (bitch) the second they asked me if i liked metal. i can't tolerate that shit for even a few SECONDS by evil hideous sound alone, but i hate EVERYTHING about the entire culture.

led zep? that's a different story. i can totally grove with THAT. no satanism there & even a couple shoutouts to the dude upstairs.

PS i never CLAIMED to be an expert on anything. i've just done a shitload of reading up on strains that get you high from immediately after the disappeared from the streets in the late 80s all the way up 'till now every chance i get from any source that i can find & regurgitate that info back as needed along with my own personal experiences with the 10 or so strains i HAVE blazed that get you high, or at least higher than the street shit i despise. if you want to quote me, freakin' get your quotes direct from the source and not from some word twisting to flat out lying troll.

i also always try to put a disclaimer like "i heard" etc. on any second hand info so anyone reading it knows it's 2nd hand info. i've got a big ass attitude about a lot of stuff, but i keep it real and have NO PROBLEM admitting my shortcomings or the fact i've only been able to contain my jonesing for getting high in the last two out of DOZENS of ATTEMPTED grows where i settled for taking leaflet trim because even THAT walks all over & takes a shit on afghanicrap. i'll apologize to no one for my extreme love of getting high. if i've undermined myself by plucking my earlier attempts to grow until my plants stress and die, that's my fucking business! i still got high, and i'd rather smoke all that trim than almost any shit on the street any day.

i will do MUCH BETTER on my 3rd REAL grow. (and by that i mean complete through flowering) i will also make note of flowering times and resolve some of the issues i learned from last winter.

the only HELP i came here for was reading smoke reports on strains of interest that are off the radar (i do my own research 1st), finding quiet fans and how to improve upon sexing in 16 oz cups. other than that, i'm here to share what i've learned or experienced.


Well-Known Member
lol alright that jsut proves to me i should just ignore everything you post have a good one

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
durban poison is pure sativa, but sativa seeds' URBAN poison is 25% NL#5

View attachment 1880571

as to that long reply, i don't care HOW MANY head bangers TRY to deny heavy metal is the devil's music, they only make themselves stupid in their denials of ALL of the fucking ozzie osbourne shout at the devil records and every other metal band like black sabbath (named after satanic rituals performed in a church FACT!!!), SLAYER (MURDER, duh!) or iron maiden (a murder/torture device... a spiked tomb) or the FACT that BOTH admitted satanists i've known were into heavy metal and the second one was the worst excuse for a human being i've ever met in my ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE. i'm not hearing it. try and spin that shit on someone gullible enough to believe that metal records with pics of pentagrams have nothing to do with satanism and that devil fingers mean something else. for that matter, try and convince them that it doesn't SOUND angry and evil. too fucking bad if i piss any satanists off!

as to the media lies thing, i TOTALLY am on board with that! i was sayiong "what fucking ALLEGED left wing media bias are you fucking taking about you fucking dittohead moron?!" DECADES before that became fashionable.

here's some PROOF about heavy metal, like it should even fucking NEED proof as it's always been what it's always fucking been!

do you REALLY want to try and put a fucking POSITIVE spin on that scum shit and keep a straight face? do ya? if i were you, i'd quit while i'm just under par there unless you like looking ridiculous in the face of facts. evil, demons, pentagrams, necrophila, flames, murder, weapons... it's all there.

you know, i've yet to meet a single fucking head banger honest enough to admit the shit they OPENLY FUCKING ADVERTISE like somehow just denying the facts will make them go away.

BTW i've had at least a couple hot chicks hit on me that totally disgusted me & got the "no thanks" (bitch) the second they asked me if i liked metal. i can't tolerate that shit for even a few SECONDS by evil hideous sound alone, but i hate EVERYTHING about the entire culture.

led zep? that's a different story. i can totally grove with THAT. no satanism there & even a couple shoutouts to the dude upstairs.

PS i never CLAIMED to be an expert on anything. i've just done a shitload of reading up on strains that get you from immediately after the disappeared from the streets in the late 80s all the way up 'till now every chance i get from any source that i can find &regurgitate that info along with my own personal experiences with the 10 or so strains i HAVE blazed that get you high, or at least higher than the street shit i despise. if you want to quote me, freakin' get your quotes direct from the source and not from some word twisting to flat out lying troll.
Dude you need to stand down ..... all your doing is pissing people off now....if you cant just hang out and be normal then GTFO and find another forum...im gonna put you on ignore cuz while you seem to have info you also go all out and post retarded shit like this

im not gonna call you names, seems you got enuf of that from everyone else

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
i prefer it that anyone that doesn't like what i have to say mute me. i'm NEVER going to kiss ANYONE's ass without a fight to the death EVER so don't hold your breath waiting for that to change. i don't indulge lies or corruption and i'll get in it's face every time. if you don't like it that i call you out on your lies about heavy metal or whatever, well, maybe you shouldn't be lying then. ever think of THAT?

i'll go out of my way to HELP anyone that isn't an ahole, even if i disagree with them, but won't budge a millimeter for BS. i settle that noise right away and no, i don't care who i piss off when i know i'm in the right. it's those in the wrong that should fucking apologize and kiss my ass. not that i'm a fan of that either.

just don't play ANY of the stupid fucking social climbing games that seem to rule MOST fucking useless idiots entire life and we'll get along just fine. if you expect me to join your game though, you'll only make a contemptuos enemy that hates your guts or at the very least wants nothing to do with you.

i'm only nice to them that DESERVES IT and fuck anyone that tries to get over on THEM too.

BTW i only defended myself WITH FACTS. anyone that hates on facts is just another loser not worth diddly in my book.

this is why i fucking can't stand people! they'll attack the person whose right & telling the truth every fucking time and suck the asshole of instigating scum. fuck that noise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that's why i like to get high. i can do it alone and not have to put up with stupid fucking people and their stupid fucking lies, corruption and power games! the instigators, lying sacks of shit, & satanists etc. know who the fuck they are and anyone not in those games knows full well i'm not talking about them. anyone whose feelings i hurt fucking deserves it! attack the wicked, defend the innocent. that's me, deal with it, mute me OR just play nice and i'll help you out any way i can within reason.


Well-Known Member
ugh hazey please don't rock my thread with those ridiculous explainations that have literally NOTHING to do with sativa..

this isn't politics chat.....
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