Where can I fins Mylar?? Tried lowes, home depot


Well-Known Member
they have a reall similar shit for insulation at the stores you checked out, check out the insulation iles, they have silver colored shit that is prime for a substitute, its designed to reflect light

Pullin' weeds

Well-Known Member
For cheap mylar (kind of thin and a bit delicate but it works just as well) go to an outdoors store (REI,etc) or to any store with a camping section - target, walmart etc... and look for Emergency Blankets , sometimes called space blankets. They're usually a buck or 2. Silver on one side, usually gold on the other.

A nice can of spray adhesive or double sided tape and you can cover your grow space in no time.

Home dePot and the like also have mylar coated bubble wrap in the insulation section.


420 Growper

Well-Known Member
You can use fire emergancy blankets from camping and hunting sections of ANY walmart . very strong and cheap

mylar is also in the gift wrapping sections. very cheap-not so strong as the blankets.


Well-Known Member
just goto the £1 shop and get some of that shiney wrapping paper, that does the job.
also flat white paint is good, thats what i use.