Where did you meet your dealer?


Well-Known Member
well around here you cant go to a party without finding 2-5 shwagg dealers, but i met my good source by selling him my weed once. well actually i didnt sell it to him we traded 2 grams tried it and he gave me his phone number.


Well-Known Member
I met one of the giuy's i get mine from through my cousins.. we all partied together for awhile.. now he's just a middle man.. he can find it.. but it's usually a wait.. so i'm still looking for my dealer... now i'm just getting it anywhere I can... which means everything I get is waaaay overr piced and only shwag.. yaaay me..


Well-Known Member
he walked onto my driveway one day to skateboard with me and some others dosent deal anymore he is also a really good friend, but i don't buy from dealers anymore but i know a few that i met