Where do you think weed fits into Christianity?


Well-Known Member
But I don't care, just thought it was funny when you said "who would want to be in a religion that doesn't allow you to smoke"..

Between me and you, take another hit of dank :)


Ursus marijanus
I hope you see what I'm getting at. Just because god didn't mention cannabis as a bad thing (just like he didn't mention cocaine, meth, LSD, shrooms, DMT, K, ecstasy, and heroin.. not saying all of those are natural) it doesn't mean that it's right in his eyes.

A cocaine addict can use the same argument you're using to justify his habit within his faith. I believe that's fine since I don't have a faith. I was just trying to help you realize that cannabis is most likely not seen as clean in your god's eyes.
The nearest mention I can find is of "gall" which some propose means a tea of opium. It's mentioned as being bitter and analgesic, and it isn't proscribed. cn


Well-Known Member
But we're not talking about abusing something. You can abuse anything. God tells us not to abuse anything. Even food. No gluttony.


Well-Known Member
But we're not talking about abusing something. You can abuse anything. God tells us not to abuse anything. Even food. No gluttony.
Alright you got me there.. kinda.. So as long as we smoke just a little bit of opium and a little bit of cocaine, we're in the green zone?

And what about this post?

I hope you see what I'm getting at. Just because god didn't mention cannabis as a bad thing (just like he didn't mention cocaine, meth, LSD, shrooms, DMT, K, ecstasy, and heroin.. not saying all of those are natural) it doesn't mean that it's right in his eyes.

A cocaine addict can use the same argument you're using to justify his habit within his faith. I believe that's fine since I don't have a faith. I was just trying to help you realize that cannabis is most likely not seen as clean in your god's eyes.


Well-Known Member
Dude Hep ur just repeating the same thing over and over again. Hasn't she said everything in moderation, and I've done plenty of shrooms and I don't have brain damage, shrooms can cause brain damage over the long term not immediately. So don't eat an eighth of shrooms a day and u won't end up a Drooling Timmy. And now I'm kinda confused I know this isn't the growers area, but I always thought this was a pro-MJ site sounds like ur with the bible thumpers wanting to lock up all us growers. R u gonna tell us MJ is a gateway drug next?

So if moderation isn't the answer in ur opinion hep what is, to abstain completely from everything. So does that mean u will never have a beer, or smoke a cig. And how does this new clean living apply to someone that might need anti-depressants? Wouldn't u consider those part of ur list?


Active Member
It is not about moderation but what you conviction is.... For me it is medicine and since I have PTSD and physical pain... I use it to relax and to help with pain management. Like with anything... if you are a drunk or abuse it... then that is where the problem is.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
The point is, if you want to label yourself as a christian, if you become intoxicated at any level, from any substance... if you do not ask for forgiveness and do you best to prevent it from happening again, according to many christian bibles (not just one), you are going to hell.

All humans have the ability to justify anything they want within their own minds... what is a christian? A fucking label, you just want other people to think you are a good person, with good morals... well, if you fallow the bible, you most likey are a homophobic racist bastard (unlesss you are one of those half baked christains that wants nothing more than a label, who has never actually sat down and read the damn bibles). Believe what you want, just remember what beleifs are... ideas, that you want to be true (or that you were indoctrinated with when you were a child), with no basis in reality. They are ideas, nothing more, nothing less... lets fight about them some more right?

Jesus christ, you think there is a god... whatever, im fine with that. Claim certainty of gods existence or non-existence... you are deluded, and need to rethink your conclusion.

Yea lets get mad because someone thinks a different idea than me, fucking useless. Our denominations should be a private thing until we are mature enough to talk about them without getting offended. Remember, when we talk about beleifs (which are merely ideas without facts) we are talking about IDEAS...NOT FACTS.

You know in your heart what the fuck is the right thing to do and what isn't, you don't need a fucking book to tell you not to steel or hurt others, or to take advantage of people... the bible teaches seperation, we know it's not right to own slaves, we know it's not right to be racist or homophobic. If you need a book to tell you the differences between right and wrong, you are probably going to go to hell anyways.

So keep on smoking, it makes no difference.

You have three options if you are a christian and you don't want to have to justify smoking cannabis...change your religion, leave it, or just close your eyes and plug your ears and keep telling yourself "god wont send me to hell for disobaying him"


Well-Known Member
Dude Hep ur just repeating the same thing over and over again. Hasn't she said everything in moderation, and I've done plenty of shrooms and I don't have brain damage, shrooms can cause brain damage over the long term not immediately. So don't eat an eighth of shrooms a day and u won't end up a Drooling Timmy. And now I'm kinda confused I know this isn't the growers area, but I always thought this was a pro-MJ site sounds like ur with the bible thumpers wanting to lock up all us growers. R u gonna tell us MJ is a gateway drug next?

So if moderation isn't the answer in ur opinion hep what is, to abstain completely from everything. So does that mean u will never have a beer, or smoke a cig. And how does this new clean living apply to someone that might need anti-depressants? Wouldn't u consider those part of ur list?
I'm repeating the question because she won't answer it. Again rainbow, just a little cocaine is approved by god right? I just want a yes or no, not too much to ask for.

So she makes the rules for her religion? Moderation is key? Hmmmm.. I don't recall the bible mentioning you can snort a little cocaine every nnow and then and be good in his eyes.

I'm not a bible thumper.. I have no religion. It's just, I don't see why she justifies cannabis use when she uses it daily (or even every other day) but she doesn't think you can use that much cocaine.

The answer for me is I'm gonna do whatever drug I want.. But for you bible people, you can't or shouldn't since it's most likely seen as unclean.


Well-Known Member
This is a question/topic for any Christian stoner's that may be on this board.

I know theirs a lot of people on the net who use the religion aspect, and say it talks about it in the bible. About it being the healing of nations. If weed is the healing of all nations I believe that will bring about the new world order. As when all nations are living in peace and harmony it will be a one world government.

Whenever I first started smoking weed I was about 18. I thought what if weed was the tree Adam and Eve ate a fruit from? Maybe god destroyed the fruit but left only the plant? I believe whatever fruit they ate doesn't exist anymore. As their was only one tree in the Garden of Eden, and no humans besides Adam, and Eve were ever in there. The Garden of Eden was destroyed in the bible though, so maybe the plant altogether doesn't exist anymore.

That was what I first thought about it, but now as stated above with all the stoner talk about it healing all nations I believe it will bring about a one world governement. Then when the one world government exist's that is truly the end times.

Anyways that's just what conclusion I've come to. If you don't believe in the religion aspect (god) then you don't really believe it will be the healing of all nations as a lot of stoners I guess do, or they just use that as an argument. What do you think about it as a Christian stoner?
Well if we go all the way back to the garden of Eden, then you have to take notice that it says Adam and Eve's son went off and brought back a wife...so, Adam and Eve may have been the only people in the garden, but they weren't the only people in the world...Which makes me wonder if there wasn't a crazy scientist a long long time ago that figured out cloning...perhaps that is why it says God's people are made in his image, but we have so many different people...
I am not a Christian, although I was raised as such, and spent a lot of time studying the bible...and I am not sure that the answer is laid out in the bible specifically...but it would make sense of it being the tree of knowledge, but we can't really ever know for sure if there was a garden, or what trees and fruits were in that garden...but the whole God created the world and put the first 2 people in this lovely garden, but there were people elsewhere already toiling away at the time...


Well-Known Member
Cannabis can be harmful if abused too.
What are the effects of cannabis abuse? Can you truly abuse a drug that can't kill you, and causes such minor wear and tear on the body compared to some other things people partake of on a daily basis...?


Well-Known Member
What are the effects of cannabis abuse? Can you truly abuse a drug that can't kill you, and causes such minor wear and tear on the body compared to some other things people partake of on a daily basis...?
Yes, a quick google search will serve you well. :)


Well-Known Member
Look up canna bosem.
perhaps, but we weren't there, and we are trying to trace a word in ancient languages to find what we are looking for...

I mean Cannabis wasn't a big deal really for a long long long time...it was a plant that grew and people used it for it's many benefits...but then it all went wrong...Early Christian's would have had no issue..and really how come once the Government says it is ok that must mean Jesus agrees?


Well-Known Member
It can make you un motivated, and antisocial...I am both of things naturally, so I feel the risk to me is relatively small when compared with other things.
Well it is small, that's why I love cannabis. But I'm not too sure if it's justified within god's eyes. If that's justified then cocaine and opium (naturals) are fine in his eyes too if used in moderation right?
