Where to buy potent San Pedro and/or Peruvian Torch online


Well-Known Member
If having your entire body vigorously made love to by super sexy nymph/ sprite/faeries and having your brain finger fucked by god is an unwanted side effect....


Seriously tho. No. I have never felt so right on anything than when I have tripped on mescaline


Well-Known Member
If having your entire body vigorously made love to by super sexy nymph/ sprite/faeries and having your brain finger fucked by god is an unwanted side effect....


Seriously tho. No. I have never felt so right on anything than when I have tripped on mescaline


Well-Known Member
I've done mescaline before but it was a low dosage. It took 3 hours to kick in, however I did have laughing fits an hour in to it. I started to hallucinate by the third hour and saw the ground move in waves. I saw some sweet visuals but that's it, no body High or transcendent thoughts. It did last for 9 hours, but that's it. It came in a gel pill