where ya from :)

sooooo :lol:

see alot of you are from the states, who's from england?
where eva your from lool, just mash'edd talk bongsmilie, Get typin :)

its not sensitive lool :) dont want ya post code lol i aint a copper. Just nosey :) im from england and alot of people keep sayin get this soil or this and that and we have never herd of it over here so was asuming most of you were from the states but i see there are people from the uk aswell :D avit.
sorry too any1 i make paro whilst there tryin too bake.

:) hazer


Well-Known Member
Im from PA
I noticed once you start posting your location around a bunch of dickheads start the pms asking you to buy weed or sell to them lol.
Watch it'll happen to everyone in this thread eventually.


Well-Known Member
rab c's like gold! have they been showing it on beeb 2 down in england tho? i'm never sure how much border division there is in the programming.

tell u what tho hazer, my brother lives in london (he's like the least druggie type ever, never even touched the ganj) and he got followed home by some old bill after he was overheard saying "i've got a big bag of cheese" on the phone at the train station. it was actually cheese though, he was talking to my ma about making fondue haha
rab c's like gold! have they been showing it on beeb 2 down in england tho? i'm never sure how much border division there is in the programming.

tell u what tho hazer, my brother lives in london (he's like the least druggie type ever, never even touched the ganj) and he got followed home by some old bill after he was overheard saying "i've got a big bag of cheese" on the phone at the train station. it was actually cheese though, he was talking to my ma about making fondue haha
Haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa are you shiting me yer lool?
and i have never herd of it lool dont get it on beeb 2 dwn this way :D get jeromy kyle on itv tho lmao :D. That is the shit wen ya stoned.
