Which light HPS or MH if doing perpetual auto flower grow?


Active Member
High all,

I am planning on trying a 20/4 perpetual auto flower grow and wondering if I can only use one light which is best to use HPS or MH. My room is 5x5 and I have a 1000K switchable ballast. I have a sealed room, vent through light, Co2, and grow in soil. Any ideas would be highly appreciated.


Stoner Smurf

Active Member
HPS can veg alright (although not as good as MH), but MH can't touch HPS on flower. So if you can only use one HPS is the way to go. They make HPS bulbs with extra blue in them for veg. Those bulbs are made for an entire grow cycle. You can find more info here (<---Link)


Well-Known Member
depends, hps is good for flowering mh good for veg as we all know. However i was reading about sun pulse mh bulbs. They have mh bulbs that produce around 3k which is good for flowering too. If you have the money i would go with the sun pulse mh. just get the 6.4k bulb for veg and the 3k bulb for flowering. They also have a 10k bulb which produces high amounts of ultraviolet light which can be used towards the end of your grow for increased tricome production. Hps however does not give off ultra violet light. Ultra violet light is good for trichome production.


Well-Known Member
Also when you see a hps bulb that they hype up by saying produces 20 percent more blue. Remember 20 percent more of basically nothing is stil nothing. If you know what i mean. I am not bad mouthing hps by any means but i would give Sun pulse a try. Also just get a quantum or lumatek ballast. They are interchangable between hps and mh bulbs. So if you really want a killer grow you can simply spend the five minutes it take to swap out a mh for a hps when going from veg to flower.