Which light setup should I do?


Well-Known Member
Light movers when possible are always the way to go, they provide the plants with multiple angles of light allowing more equal spread over the entire plant.

Single White Pistol

Well-Known Member
Hows your exhaust? One bad thing about 2 1000's would be the heat. If your exhaust isn't up to snuff for 2 at 1000, then maybe 1000 on a light mover would be a better bet. But IMO if your exhaust/air cir/ac can handle 2 1000's then you WILL grow more bud.

BOOYAAH! Clear and concise. Thanx pokes! So 2-1000w's it is. I'll just have to do what it takes to keep the air cool.

The place I'll be using has central heating and air so I'll either freeze to death, or have to get an AC unit.