Which lights in which box?


Well-Known Member
I'm about 3 weeks into my first flower and I'm starting to construct a second grow box out of an 18 gallon tote. I'm planning on using this tote as the veg area and the bigger one as the bloom area.

Currently, I have two 65W CFL floodlights over the bloom box, and since I'm paying like 50 cents per kWh, I'm planning on buying 6 - 10 smaller CFL's. How should I disperse my lights? My thoughts are the plants will be smaller in the veg box so they should have the smaller CFL's, leave the big lights for the big plants.... Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
thats some expensive electricity, for 250w worth of light itd cost you near $200 per grow.
could you use a small HPS for flowering? it would give you more lumens per watt than CFLs will. the 2 65w would do well for vegging.
how many plants?


Well-Known Member
You're not kidding, I've spent more money on electricity than on supplies. I need to clarify the electric cost though. The electric company here (I'm new to the state) gives you an allowance, I pay .20 per kWh for up to 300 kWh or so. If I go over that, the next 70 or so is at $.30. And it just sky rockets from there. Over the summer, my electric bill was always between $150 - $200 a month, and I live in a 900 sq ft apartment with just my gf.

Well, right now, I've got 3 pretty gangly plants, 2 bag seed and one clone from a medicinal place. They have been ravaged by overheating, overwatering, overnuting, and a bout with my puppy. But I've got 5, hopefully 6, Afghans from Nirvana that just sprouted the other day. I plan on only having 3 or 4 blooming at any one time as well.