Which soil should i buy?


Well-Known Member

I'm having a bit of a dilema! I need to re-pot my plants and i don't know what soil to use. I am going to a UK garden centre so could anyone advise me on which soil to buy please?
Would standard compost do the job or do i need something a little bit special?
Many Thanks,
Dr GreenThumb


Active Member
Ask for aproduct called soil less soil it contians vermiculite and no nutrients (Or very little)it comes in yard bags from your local hydro shop.fairly cheap 33 dollars canadian (thats where i am)being from the UK it may be called somthing different.I find this product has done wonders for my plants as it has nothing I dont want in it just what I give em!Thats it.


Well-Known Member
I'm having no luck finding any of those soils at my garden centre!Doh!
Can anyone suggest a soil that i might be able to buy easily?
Please help!



Well-Known Member
I heard of people using "peat moss" + "perlite" + "vermiculite" mixed in equal amounts, you better have some nutes ready to go though.

fat sam

Well-Known Member
peat moss is the shit, thats basicly what pro mix is, peat moss perlite and verniculite, i have the best results with that


Well-Known Member
Buy a compost and a bag of perlite use 20 % perlite,I would recomend buying the best that you can afford but if you buy the cheeper stuff riddle it the soil will be top soil then.I would also go for a soil with no added feed because this f@cks my feeding up has i use a feed.