Which wiki?... confused as to open source wiki code and which is best.


Active Member
Well I have had an idea for a wikipedia style website for a few years and for the last two weeks I have been filing for a business license for another business it motivated me to start work on my website again, well just yesterday I found out there is an app coming out for the Iphone which uses half of my marketing principle so I need to make this website A.S.A.P.

All I can find on open source wiki code are old articles anyone have anyone good links or good info? Thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
there is a guy in here starting a website for pot refences....genics and the breeder an indepth site and he is useing a wiki based program...look through the threads here not to far back and he probley could help you...cant remember his name or the thread but will look for you and get back to you with his name...