While two heads are better than one.


Active Member
I took a clone cutting on may 18 2009 and since then i have been feeding and watering the right amount, this plant is going to be a monster mother that i will take more cutting from, am planning on veging this plant for about 6-8 months until i get a successful amount of clones from her, then i will flower her and start the process of all over again with the third generation clone.


Active Member
I took a clone cutting on may 06,2009 and since then i have been feeding and watering the right amount, this plant is going to be a monster mother that i will take more cutting from, am planning on veging this plant for about 6-8 months until i get a successful amount of clones from her, then i will flower her and start the process of all over again with the third generation clone.

first time cloner, no rooting gel or cloning gel, from cutting to planting, so here is my progress.


Well-Known Member
i think you might need to make a trip to walmart for your next clone. the gel is less than $10 and you only use a little. make sure your blade and hands and everything are sterile. i think its easiest to start clones in hydro and move them into soil when you notice some root growth. i dont mean to get you down but i dont know if a clne will grow if you just stick it in the ground


Well-Known Member
aww shit dude i read your post way to fast and didnt even realize the plant had frown already. i didnt know you didnt need the gel, ive used it since horticulture class in highschool


Active Member
listen bro, if you were to cut the top off a tomato plant and stick it in some water for a few days, it will root by it self, no gels no nothing, so why cant you do the same with marijuana, just make sure your hands and razor are clean and styrol.