White Berry DWC 2 Pheno's


Active Member
This is my second grow with this strain, but my ninth grow all together. I grew these 2 phenotypes i have last time around to test what they like and dislike. There is one cheese clone in amonst these white berry's just wanted to see how it grows maybe thinking about doing a cycle with those. The tub on the left is white berry phenotype # 1 with one cheese and the tub on the right is white berry pheno type # 2. I fill the resovoir to an inch above the net pots which is about 6 or 7 gallons of water, I then add 4 tsps of GH grow, micro and bloom, that less than a quarter strength, Some people say not to do this until the roots hit the water but i've never had any problem, it's just enough nutes to give them a little jump start and they seem to love it. I have 2 airstones in each resovoir so they recieve plenty of oxygen rich nutrient solution. This strain loves to eat and drink and you will see this through out the grow. during this phase i keep my PH at about 6.0. when I start adding more nutrients later in the flowering cycle, I dial in the ph at about 6.3 and let it fluctuate down to about 5.5 and then when i add more nutrient solution when they need refilled it bring it back up to the desired ph'd, I always check just to make sure and adjust if necessary, if anyone has questions or thoughts feel free to post.



Active Member
I apologize to everyone for abandoning this post, i've been super busy in the lab creating new strains and gathering old ones :) i will be starting a new grow journal with some new unseen genetics and great info and techniques, look for me soon.