White Dwarf...Ready for harvest?


Well-Known Member
Greetings everyone. I need some input from those more knowledgeable than myself. I'm making my first attempt at growing auto flowering strains....a perpetual grow. I've got a White Dwarf that was planted on March 14th. They say that this strain is ready to harvest within 60 - 70 days from seed in soil. I'm attaching two pics. Look at the leaves and let me know if the yellowing indicates harvest time is here or if I have something else going on here. Should I let it go another week or two. Any help is greatly appreciated!!! Peace! :joint:



Well-Known Member
Can't tell with those small pictures. The yellowing leaves just mean it's pulling nutrients out of the bottom leaves in order to flower, that has nothing to do with the maturity of the buds.


Active Member
The plant looks to have plenty of life left in it's cycle, it may be a bit early yet.
but it is hard to tell for sure with such small pics.