white/grey mildew


Well-Known Member
Hey new grower here...Ive got what appears to be a white/greyish looking mildew forming on some of the lower fans leaves. I just switched them to 12/12 4 days ago. I veg'd them for around 5 weeks. Its not really effecting the plants at the moment but ive notived that its starting to get to more and more plants. Whats the best and most organic way to get rid of this? I dont have any pictures at the moment but I will do my best to get them posted. Its in small little patches the size of a dime ( largest ) Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot that article really helped I seem to have it under control at the moment. Im running 4x 1000w so the temp has been pretty warm ( holding 80-84ish) Im thinking that has a lot to do with getting the mildew to leave. I hope to have pictures up soon.