white hairs


Well-Known Member
I have a few big jack plants going and everything seems to be great. There are rather large white hairs poping from every bud site but on a few of them not all I see the very tip of these hairs seems to be burning? Real thick amber color and my lights are around 16-18 inches away so I dont think thats the problem...anyone? Ill post picks asap:spew::wall:


Well-Known Member
im 3 weeks into flower and its more of the lower buds on just a couple of them. I ran a sulfer burner 2 times about a week ago for an hour each time 3 days apart. everything seems to be fine aside from that.


Pictures or it didn't happen.

j/k, take some pix, how long have you been vegging? When did you throw the plants into bloom?


Well-Known Member
I veg'd for around 7 weeks the plants have been in flower for 3 weeks today. Ill get a picture up asap there all around 5ft atm


Well-Known Member
They're suppose to turn brown. The key thing you need to check during the flowering phase are the trichromes. The only way to check em' is to get a 30X magnifying lens and look for the little mushroom shaped things on the pistils. Once they turn cloudy/amber color you're rdy to harvest! It's the only for sure way to know. Flowering stage takes 8-9 weeks, but depends on strain


Well-Known Member
Im not talking about the trichromes... Im talking about the white hairs on the bud. I just finished week 3 of flower last night and there nowhere near done. any have any clue or has anyone seen this b4?


Well-Known Member
Stress causes them to turn brown, usually to much nutes. Don't worry about it. pistil color has no place in determining when to harvest. trichomes are the key. pistils can change color just by touching them. it could also be a phenotype.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good I figured it could have easily been stress It wasnt very long ago I put the trellis up so im sure it could have been bumped around or w.e. Thanks man!
Sounds good I figured it could have easily been stress It wasnt very long ago I put the trellis up so im sure it could have been bumped around or w.e. Thanks man!
All hairs are white at first and dont start changing color until about half to 3/4 of the way though flower stage