White little bugs at the bottom of my pot? anyone know

Black RooR 420

Active Member
Theres like a bunch of little bugs at the bottom of my pot when i pick it up I just flushed it today what do u guys think?


Well-Known Member
probly thrip mate talk to your guy at the hydroponic shop he will show you in the rite direction . had them to start off and apprently they are sapposed to be hard to get rid of but i had this stuff i cant remember wat it was called but it got rid of everyone of them.


Well-Known Member
Could also be fungus gnat larvae. Did you happen to notice fruit fly-looking things, flying around?


Well-Known Member
Another thought... fungus gnat larva will look like little maggots. White with black heads. Mites and thrips ought to be up on the plant, not under a pot. I'd lean toward soil lice, though it could be something else. Can you give a pic, or at least a description?


To my knowledge springtails ain't that bad and will not infect the plant with diseases, munch up it's roots, or damage them in other ways that I know of... Search, here and in google.