White or Mylar


Well-Known Member
I am working on a new build and it will be a cabinet. I plan on making the entire thing airtight and it will be easy as pie just to paint the inside white after sealing it with Kilz but I could also use mylar.

So which will be better?


Active Member
i have panda on everything .. works great..... but for a small project i would use flat white for sure panda wrap is $100 a roll but you get a fuck ton of it ..

good luck


Well-Known Member
Either works fine, but as IceWaterBong87 said, mylar is easier to clean up and IS more reflective. I personally use the mirrored mylar on the walls of my grow rooms and paint the ceilings with Kilz --- so far I've had fantastic results with that, but I use a 600w HPS for flowering and a combo of CFL's and T12's for vegging in another room. You should be OK either way though, especially with a smaller grow room. If it's a large area I'd definitely recommend Mylar due to increased reflectivity.

Good luck, and good growing dude!!!!


bud bootlegger
i have read before that semi white is 80% relective, flat is 85% and mylar is around 95 or so.. paint is cheap and easy and works great, but for a couple more bucks you can get another ten percent reflectivity.. my walls are flat white and they work great..
the choice is yours really..


Well-Known Member
I painted white but then went with mylar.. If you have a smooth or super smooth surface then paint away.. if not.. go with mylar.. I have cement block walls (cellar) and i painted.. I think because the cement isn't smooth the light gets broken up when reflected.. the mylar reflects alot better..


Well-Known Member
I would go white. Mylar might be more reflective, but wrinkles & bends cause the light to scatter which can cause little burn spots.


Well-Known Member
I use panda film in all my cabinets. In fact some of my cabinets have
the same panda film I put in there several years ago.