White Russian start to finish


Well-Known Member
Got in late last night and had to work today. Everyone is doing great. I watered half yesterday as they were dry the rest didnt feal light so I didnt water but what a difference a day makes the others were all dry today. No wilting but when I picked up the cups if you had your eyes closed you would think they were empty.


Well-Known Member
Everything is doing great. I put in the fans in the veg room today and that fixed any temp problems. Im using a 4" computer fan but still need to get a speed cpntroll for it. It runns at full speed and gets kinda loud for me. I also cut the intake and put in a filter, I had a huge problem with spider mites at my last grow and could never get ahead of them. I hate thoes little fuckers I really do. Im hoping the filter will help. I moved to a new place and have had no problems here. Knock on wood. I couldnt take it any more I guess im just to curious for my own good, but I had to take a look at the roots and they are looking great as well not bound at all and looking good and hairy.



Well-Known Member
wow nice white Russian man i also have a grow going right now but am about 3 weeks in veg, were did you get ur seeds did not seee it in the thread yet


Well-Known Member
A buddy I have got them and some blueberry. His wife went nuts that he was going to grow so I ended up with them. Ive grown the Blueberry and have that down as far as food ect. The White Russian hasnt been grown by anyone I know so its really a learning experience. Im not even sure how this "auto flowering" thing works yet. It will be fun we can all learn together lol.


Well-Known Member
Just got done watering the seedlings. I used 8ml. Advanced Nutrients B25 and 3.5ml of bolth A and B Sensi grow also from Advanced Nutrients. I still have one runt that im not sure what to do with yet. I guess ill keep it till I sex them. It could be my only girl. Other than that all is well.



Active Member
hey buddy dont wanna hog ur thread but thought u may like a couple of white russian pics to compare against. The aroma from these is second to none. Not too strong in flower. But when u cure it (again not to much smell) until its all chrystally. Then when u crack a bud in ur grinder out it comes. Strong but not overpowering, sweet but not sickly, exhale it through the nose slowly. The flavour seems to permiate u all over, eeking out of all ur paws. At this stage (if ur not already) find a comfy chair and sit urself down.




Well-Known Member
hey buddy dont wanna hog ur thread but thought u may like a couple of white russian pics to compare against. The aroma from these is second to none. Not too strong in flower. But when u cure it (again not to much smell) until its all chrystally. Then when u crack a bud in ur grinder out it comes. Strong but not overpowering, sweet but not sickly, exhale it through the nose slowly. The flavour seems to permiate u all over, eeking out of all ur paws. At this stage (if ur not already) find a comfy chair and sit urself down.

Thanks for posting they look great!! Have you flowered this before? How long did you flower? They look to be at about 4-5wks. Its just a guess am I close?


Well-Known Member
hey buddy dont wanna hog ur thread but thought u may like a couple of white russian pics to compare against. The aroma from these is second to none. Not too strong in flower. But when u cure it (again not to much smell) until its all chrystally. Then when u crack a bud in ur grinder out it comes. Strong but not overpowering, sweet but not sickly, exhale it through the nose slowly. The flavour seems to permiate u all over, eeking out of all ur paws. At this stage (if ur not already) find a comfy chair and sit urself down.

WOW WOW WOW, THOSE LOOK GREAT:hump:!!!!! those look whiter than my WW i got from nirvana ***drools***

:confused:i got a stiffy just from looking at them girls:oops:

lately ive been wanting to grow some ak 47 because they are supposed to be super stinky and potent- those look marvelously.

where did you get the genetics from? great job my friend :D ty :peace:


Well-Known Member
ok My life feals like its in shambles today. I hate my job my boss is a total asshole. Ive been going through all my files in an effort to get some order. I havent even looked at them today. Ill look in a bit and post pics then.


Well-Known Member
take ur time we just want pictures i have to go check on my babies 2 thanks for reminding me.. haha


Well-Known Member
I just looked in on the babies they look fine. They had a bit of yellowing but I hadent used any food other than the B52 and that was lite at that. But the last water I added some sensi A and B to the mix and they look better already. The one runt is still well.... a runt but still looking ok so im gona try to nurture it till sexing anyhow.

