White spots on leaves, First week of flower. Pics included.


Active Member
Back story, I have keep the Strain alive for a little over 11 months. It is from an unknown bag seed, I cloned the mother and lost one batch due to spider mites. The second batch of clones out lived the mother but were moved from Indoor (600HPS) to outdoor at a friends house. It has by far the most desirable traits I have come across. Tight spaced nodes during veg and under flower, dank fruity odor, fan leaves get bigger than a dinner plate seriously the stem of the leaves are more like branches. Due to my friends lack of experience, ambition or willingness to take advice he lost the crop due to bud rot, rain and mold. I am lucky since when I was able to check (4 plants) them I harvested 900 wet , 213 grams of dried fluff bud that was never manicured. The same time I was able to cut clones, root and re-veg the strain. All before they were infected.

The whole life of my beloved strains existence in my hands she has had these odd little white marks on the leaves. I am baffled. The only things I can think of I can not find on the plants. I cant find mites ( I have stared with a microscope for days) and see no movement. I see possible excrement but it might be dirt particles. I am confident they are leaf miners but not positive. They have now managed to spread to my lambs bread and I want to defeat these pests.

I recently sprayed Einstein Oil to combat a powdery mildew outbreak. 14 days later I used a sulfur vaporizer to obliterate the mildew. 4 days later no more powdery mildew. Still new leaf damage appearing daily. From what Ive read they say they pose no serious risk and no cure. Looking for some incite.



Active Member
Thanks but I have read that and it is helpful information to have I know I have excess nitrogen in my soil, I use compost tea and first week in flower so I am not worried about that. My soil is inoculated with fungi/bacteria/protozoa and balances it self according.

What I am inquiring about is does this look like leaf miner damage if so is there a way to stop them from spreading?


Ursus marijanus
I do not believe it's either bugs or a deficiency. My best bet is that it's damage from the sulfur burn ... damage that is taking time to show up. It looks a lot like the ozone damage pics in the usual plant problems guides. Imo it should not get much worse, and I do not recommend any "corrective" measures. If it does get spectacularly worse ... do you have clones in veg, and if so are they free of these symptoms? cn


Active Member
I might have forgot to mention that this has happened since the original mother. That is 2 batch's ago. Even under my t5 the damage continues to spread. Separate room and this has predated the first use of sulfur. There is damage on a couple leaves from being introduced to the hps but side by side its noticeably different. Also the spots are more like tunnels and they wind around then the area degrades to a spot killing the area on the leaf. There is what looks like a slime trail around the tunnels on the top of the leaf.