WHITE WIDOW AUTOs 32days old! Need some help!!


Hey they are 32days old, in foxfarm ocean forest soil 5gal pots. The tops of the plants look like they are drying out? leaves are twisting and look crispy. its just the tops of the plants , with the upper leaves bout 3 rows down. funny thing is the lower ones are fine. I thought it was nute burn, ph problems. but all that is taken care of. I thought it could be my light burning it. Its 600hps air cooled (put it under them bout 2weeks ago) I got it down to bout 14-15in and I was told it could be my fan ocilating on them .. so the other day I raised it so it didn't blow on them at all. I left them alone for a few hours and when I came back they were worse!!! look at the picsprob3 040.jpgprob3 041.jpgprob3 043.jpg I don't know what to do.. here is what they were looking like before I turned the fan up prob3 033.jpgprob3 034.jpg They were still looking crapy but they got worse when I moved the fan. I since then moved the light to bout 18-20in and put the fan back. What I don't understand is I keep hearing people say that they have their lights 10-12in away cuz they are air cooled.. WTF??? why cant I? could it be the white widow strain?? I dono im a newbie first grow... anyhel[ would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


they seem to match up w the "under watering" pics GIGGLES posted for ya ...........the light and fan may be attributing factors. when i put my 400w bulb too close, my tops looked similiar


What are you feeding them, what is your ph at? How often are you feeding them?

Give me some more info I'll try to help.

MY PH was 6.3 last nite. also last nite was the (3rd) time I fed them.. ive been feeding/ watering once a week (that's when the 5gal pot is dry) first time I fed them it was 1 1/2tsp of Big bloom (foxfarm) the schedule calls for 6tsp bit I didn't want to burn em.. next was p.hd water, then ut was 2 1/2tsp big bloom. (I have whole fox farm nute line up and I jus wanted to get the plants to get use to nutes) And since they are AUTOs I fed them like I said and last night I went to week 4 on their schedule (cuz they are budding) I still gave them way less then the schedule calls for.Big bloom 1tsp, grow B 1tsp, boomerang 1/2tsp, kangaroots, .25tsp, open sesame 1/2 .25 tsp.. their schedule calls for 3tsp BB, 3tsp GB,1tsp BOOMrng,.05tsp kanga, .25tsp open.... I didn't wanna give them half strength yet cuz it was so many different nutes in a gallon... WHAT DO u GUYS THINK??? I really think that it was the light that did that to them... But I don't understand people have said, and ive just read, that 600watt AIR COOLED (like mine) can be 5-12in away from the tops.. my lights were 14-15 and they looked like that???? they are 18-20in away now and looks like they havnt gottn worse.. BUT u guys know that I wanna have that light as close as I can to them so they grow nice!!!! now im scared cuz it seems that they got stunted :neutral: I dono guys what do you all think??? AND THANKS FOR THE FAST REPLYS!!!


Active Member
2 me looks like heat stressed as well....dont grow under HPS always use CFL and had fan get cut off on me and didnt check a full day and same result had water but got really hot close 2 the light......again heat stress IMO


2 me looks like heat stressed as well....dont grow under HPS always use CFL and had fan get cut off on me and didnt check a full day and same result had water but got really hot close 2 the light......again heat stress IMO
But why is it that people say that you can have the light(600) like 10-12in away if its air cooled?? some people say u can put it even closer??? I had mine 14-15in away and that happended??? wen I shut off the fan... I don't know man ... I just wanna have that light as close as I can (more lumens)


Active Member
Air cooled means that the air flowing around the bulb is not the same as in the room. They use what's called a air-cooled reflector


Air cooled means that the air flowing around the bulb is not the same as in the room. They use what's called a air-cooled reflector
I understand that about the light.. My room stays 75 degrees night 60deg but I cant put my light closer than 18in-20in?? I can put my hand under the light at 12in and it is cool on my hand. well not cool but not hot either.. but if I put my plants under that look what happens??? dosent make sense... could it be the strain? anyone grow ww auto from bonza seeds??


i understand that about the light.. My room stays 75 degrees night 60deg but i cant put my light closer than 18in-20in?? I can put my hand under the light at 12in and it is cool on my hand. Well not cool but not hot either.. But if i put my plants under that look what happens??? Dosent make sense... Could it be the strain? Anyone grow ww auto from bonza seeds??


Where are you taking your temperature readings? They look dried out and fried man. :/
Right at the canopy.... One thing that I cant seem to get a straight answer from anyone is, I had my 600hps 14-15in away and that happended... everywhere I read it says if your hood is air cooled (witch mine is) then it can be 6in-12in from the canopy with ease.. my other plants were fine at that hight. It just happended 2 my two white widow autos.... that's why I didn't understand what the problem was cuz my other plants were fine... and everyone said that I can put my light lower.. so I did that (14-15in) and moved the fan a little(cuz was told that it could be from the fan) when I did that they got messed up!!!! so since then I got the light at 20in and put the fan back... they look like they are getting better... do u think I should put the light higher?? I just want it at the right hight and get the best growth this is my first grow!!


Active Member
You say you only water once a week? When's the last time you watered? How do you tell when to water?

Your light should be able to get as close as you say it can as long as you have your ventilation working properly, which judging by your temps you do. I have a 400w normal HID (not cooltube) that stays 8-10" from canopy just fine. My temps are actually slightly higher than yours.

What soil are you using?


You say you only water once a week? When's the last time you watered? How do you tell when to water?

Your light should be able to get as close as you say it can as long as you have your ventilation working properly, which judging by your temps you do. I have a 400w normal HID (not cooltube) that stays 8-10" from canopy just fine. My temps are actually slightly higher than yours.

What soil are you using?
yes I water bout once a week!! THE POTS ARE 5GAL pots and I stick my finger in the soil and if its wet or moist I wait till its dry witch usually takes bout a week... I have other plants in there in smaller pots and they dry up faster so I water them bout twice a week... ITS JUST The plants im having problems with are the ones in 5gal pots... they are in Foxfarm ocean forest, that I cut with 1/3 FF light warrior, and more Perlite. I also drilled more holes in the pots to get better airflow... I dono.... I really just think that it is the strain.. cuz my other plant (liberty haze) is about 12in from the light and it is fine.. that plant also isn't an Auto and it isn't budding yet.. SO I wish it was the one with the problems!!! I could deal with that one being stunted for a minute, and not my WW AUTOS!!! Also my air flow in the room is excellent!! I have a 600cfm fan hooked up to the lights blowing outside and I have fresh air being sucked in from another 6in tubing.. also have a fan blowing all over the room... well, I raised the light to bout 20in from the 2 WW and it looks like it mite be getting better... Hard to tell cuz It dosent happen as fast as I would want it too!!! I don't know man..... What do u think??? ill give it another day and tomorrow ill snap some pics and post emm up here for u to be a judge and tell me if u think they are getting better.... Also would like to ask u another question.... Those 2 plants , the White widows, are so fuckin bushy!!! so many fuckin leaves!!! they cover all the lower bud sites.. my question is.... can I trim some off??? or cut the leaves in half??? is this a good idea?? and what would stress them less?? cutting leaves off or in half??? THANKS MAN!!!


Active Member
Personally I leave everything on the plant unless it's dead. She grew em for a reason. Some growers do it, and I've watched so many threads with differing opinions hashing it out lol. It's like bringing up religion or politics. Nobody ever agrees.

For your situation, I wouldn't do anything to those WW except maybe water. From experience, I know that as my plants progress into flowering they require more frequent watering due to more roots and a larger plant. This may be what you're experiencing now.

Another thing you should consider is that every plant grows differently, requires different nutrient strengths and even sometimes prefers different light schedules. I'm not saying you should attempt to accommodate all those things for each plant, but just keep that in mind. Since you saw a positive result from backing off the light, maybe you could put some bricks or something under the plants that like the intense light to get them closer to it, while leaving your WW on the floor further away from the light.