White Widow Grow Log - SOG


Well-Known Member
Got the new babies in on the first of the month, will be posting pictures of the last cycle soon, but until then let's get this log started.

Starting them up at 400PPM (10 ml\gallon Karma, 8 ml\gallon Hygrozime, and the rest of the nutes came from the base nutrient which is Batanicare Pure Blend Pro.

Clones appeared a bit yellowed when I received them, with a tad but dry dieing material on the sides of some of the leaves...I think they needed a new home pronto!

Second watering I pumped the PPM up to 520 and they appear to be handling it well. I will need to pay close attention to how much food they are eating because I won't have the plants on my tables off the ground this round through... running a little experiment growing plants on the ground with minimal run off - the best run I ever had thus far was in a style like this, I'll look to add to that hopefully!

They have been in SunShine#4 with my 1000 watter about three feet above them... they are growing quite nicely now... no new growth has signs of yellowing at all which is making me a happy camper!

Tonite I topped 10 of the 40 in there, we will see how they respond. I've been given the Widow with more of a branchy\stretchy type of phenos. Apparently they doubled, and in some cases, tripled in height during flower for my friend.

I'll get some pictures up shortly, I'll be topping just about every one of the this batch of 40 and will be throwing 30 more in there this weekend, likely with less veg time than these... and see what happens!

Pictures to come!


Well-Known Member
Sounds good, if you're using the Botanicare Pro Grow and or Bloom, you might want to add some Cal-Mag. Good luck and lets see pics.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Yeah I add cal-mag only at 1\3 the instructed dose though, seems to be enough.

I'll add it before I water next time... thanks for the reminder!


Well-Known Member
Here some pictures...

11 days into veg, still pretty short. I have a few of the topped ones as well.

Had a decent amount of yellowing in them, they came a bit yellow and I also had a bit of a bug problem which seems to be under control.

I'm curious if you guys think any of the curling and yellowing on the ends of the leaves is from nutrient burn? Hard to tell with a few issues going on lately.

New growth looks much better than old growth...



Well-Known Member
Just watered em at around 520 PPM. I found "the claw" on one of them, and noticing a bit of curling on others. Does anyone know of a way to test how much nutes the plants are taking from the wateR? I know how to do it when the water is being returned to the water source, but in this case it isnt. Does testing the PPM of run off (of course with a filter to get any of the medium that may have leaked through) work or no?

Side Note : Added 50 ML (for 40 gallons) of water this time. I generally will only give them 2ML per gallon, this time I went a bit easy but I'll ad more next time.


Well-Known Member
Topped eight more tonite... also going to be raising my temps. I had my lights off temps running about 62 because of the mite problem... that seems to be under control so I'll be aiming for closer to 70 degrees lights off and 75 degrees lights on.

Have a hard time getting temps that high during lights off only burning one of the three lamps, but I'll monitor the temps tomorrow.

First batch of clones topped haven't yet formed two tops, but I'm sure they will in the next day or two...


Well-Known Member
Good luck with this, the WW is a pretty good SOG strain. I flowered my last batch of WW at 1.5 weeks when they were about 2-3 inches tall and they all ended up at about 17" if i remember right, never topped them though. Got some pics in my grow journal if you wanna take a look.

I use the botanicare PBP for soil fertz too and yea definatly remember to give them that Cal/Mag supplement. I gave my widow some every single feeding, other then the last week or 2.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and from what I can tell that does look like nute burn but i'm not sure. What kind of soil are you using, when did you start feeding them and how much? If you still have fresh growth growing everywhere you should be fine. If it is nute burn just gotta make sure it's stopped now.

I do remember with my first batch of widow I had a really bad cal/mag deficiency and all the bottom growth basically died and stopped growing. So I then over fed it with N cause thats what I thought it was and then they got nute burned and had to then flush 'em and start giving her the right nutes. Was a real headache, but learned my lesson.


Well-Known Member
They have been vegging since the 1st... gave em nutes about two days later.

I'm up to 520 PPM Or so...

As for my medium it's SunShine#4. I'm fooling around with the medium a bit for this grow. I'll be keeping the medium more saturated than usual this time around for research purposes.


Well-Known Member
Have a few more days until the other clones are ready... I have about 18 left or so in the room currently that aren't topped. Hopefully a bit more developement in the next few days and I'll feel more comfortable toppin them bitches!

The ones that have been topped haven't reacted to the training as quickly as some in the past. I'm having a hard time keeping my temps up right now but soon enough once another light gets turned on that won't be a problem.


Well-Known Member
Gave them another watering tonite, they seem to be using more water now. Vertical growth is definitely more vigorous than it has been... I think these ladies are ready to take off!

I've kept the PPM at around 520, was a bit afraid I over-fed them..so I'll stay in this area for the next week or so. My other batch of clones (which are apparently larger than the first batch) will be coming in a day or two.

Because I'll be outta town, these won't go into flower until after the New Year, a full month of vegging on the first batch, and a bit over two weeks for the second batch. Curious to see the difference in yield between the two batches.

Also have the topping variable going on... since I'll be using this strain again, I'm experimenting with a few different variables to see what they like best.


Well-Known Member
Topped another 6 or 7 tonite, over half of this first batch is topped. Not exactly sure what I'll do with the second batch coming in the next few days. I have to leave town the 21st and won't be ready to flower until at least after I arrive back home on the 29th.

They have taken on a nice green color now, you can tell they are fully adjusted to their new home (about time, they've been in there for over two weeks!) and ready to rock n roll. The mite problem seems to be gone as well.

I'll upload some pictures in the next 2-3 days


Well-Known Member
Have some crazy bending going on with a few of them... one that I'm training is topped, the other isn't... we will see which one yields better. I'll be doing this strain next cycle too, so I'm trying to run a number of variables to see if we can get any conclusive data.

Not a ton of experience with bending, I usually just top or nothing... but these bitches look wonderful... we're look at 3-4 tops on each at this point which should yield well!


Well-Known Member
Got the other batch of forty, ripped the tables out they are going on the ground tomorrow before some room construction. News much longer than the first batch, most in the three inch area it looks with more leaf development. I'm guessing these take off much quicker than the small ones?

Going to clean the room tomorrow, isn't not a problem to light a bomb off with the new clones in there, right? I've usually never did bombed the day I received them, but these have been in an area in which they could have brought some with.

What ya think....drop it?

Watered the older batch which is now about 2.5 weeks into veg with 650 PPM water, we will see if they like that. Then I'll have to figure out a way to get these two separate batches geting close to one another with PPM so I can use a single resi instead of two.


Well-Known Member
New clones came... they appear bigger, more leaf structure than the others when I received em... I'm liking it. One concern is the roots wern't exactly popping out on little rock wool cubes, after waiting 2 weeks for them and the price I paid I was expecting visual roots on most if not all.

In any case, I think they are going to do just fine, maybe take a bit more time to adjust. I just planted 15 of them and I'm giving the others the night to try to push roots on through... will transplant the rest tomorrow.

ran PPM at 550 this time, pH 5.8.