White Widow small plant. Was healthy, 2 days ago started developing brown on leaves


Hey guys. This White Widow seed was started a few weeks ago. I popped it and placed it into a peat pellet (I don't think I'll use these anymore, I've had much better results with straight rockwool).

I didn't have any room in my hydro system so I thought I would just make a mother out of this in soil and keep her in the bathroom.

Living Conditions;

Inside Peat Pellet transplated about 4 days ago into Organic Soil Mix
After a day I mixed a VERY small amount.. like 1/10th recommended serving for small plants of Organic nutes at around 7.0 ph (The reason I gave it nutes is because this plant has been sitting in that peat pellet for about 3 weeks now. Fuzzy roots were popping all through the peat pellet and I thought it would be strong enough).
1 27 watt 65k CFL
Temps 60-70
Humidity about 50%

The plant seemed great up to yesterday when I began to notice the leaves were starting to turn down.. and had a small spot of discoloration. Today it seems like it rapidly turning brown.

I thought it could be because of the small amount of nutes I put in so I flushed it about 4x with Distilled Water today.

Please help. Pic here. (still can't figure out why I can't fucking upload directly to RIU. Even a 72 KB photo taking more time than I can wait Grrrrrrrr).



the brown is rapidly taking over the leaves. ill post a new pic when I get back. Looking for some help, I can't find anything in any threads or guides about this