Whiz Quiz!

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
So, last time I had to worry about these it was said that a moderate to heavy user would have traceable amounts of THC in their pee for 2 months. Is this still the accepted math?

The reason I'm asking is because a friend called up asking me "If I smoked a bowl last Thursday and have a pee test this Friday, would I be okay?" This friend smokes about twice a year and it would seem she has bad timing.

I told her to start drinking water and go to her local headshop for some "Cleansing products."

So what do you say gals and guys, 2 months? Let's discuss.
Peace out.


Well-Known Member
I would say that it is possible for a HEAVY user who is also very overweight, to have trace levels of THC in their system at 2 months.

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
When she told me this I had to lol since I wasn't sure if there would be a quiz at my recent job, so for orientation I went from my (then) current job to this one with a bottle of synthetic urine stuffed in my pants by my hip like a fucking flask. Thankfully they are now overpaying me and did not make me pee in a cup for it. I love working in foodservice.