Who am I, Where am I, Why am I?


Well-Known Member
Who are you? Well you're you.. You're the one thing that's you.

Where are you? In your reality.

Why am I? Because you made yourself that way.


Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condenses to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves... Heres Tom with the weather!


Well-Known Member
Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condenses to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves... Heres Tom with the weather!
People have crazy thoughts on acid eh? I've believed I was sailing on a ship while I was really just sitting on a soccer goal things in the rain while my friend was shaking it..

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Who are you?

You are a collection of pieces, of everyone you have ever met, what you have chosen to take from them...what you have chosen to leave.

Where are you?

Where ever you choose to be.

Why are you?

This is a result of billions of years of chance, all leading up to the moment where your parents met, and conceived you...


Well-Known Member
Those are the questions I asked myself the first time I tripped on shrooms. Questioning everything. Since then I still question reality.


Well-Known Member
You are what you are not.
are you air? are you a table? Look around, you are definitely NOT those things right? That means you must be all of which you are not. Remember, you share atoms with these things.

You are where you are not.
Are you behind the door? Are you under the ocean? Think of every place you are not, and by doing that you can deduce exactly where you are! Provided of course, you know of every place everywhere.

Why? Why not? Same difference.
Why does the chicken cross the road is as good a question as why doesn't the chicken cross the road, if the question is to arrive at a more complete answer than a punchline. In order to understand the similarities in things, we must understand what differences exist.

I think who we are is a combination of experiences combined with our genetic makeup, which i believe influence behavior in many ways. We are merely in just time and space. My reality could be different than your reality even though we both have and are doing the same things. And why am I? I think why we are the way we are is due to evolution. We are onivores because that would be the easiest way to survive. Also I think we do the same things are fore fathers proably did. Bringing through the same thinking and ideology from generation to generation.
[h=2]Who am I, one of our Creators youngun`s
Where am I, I am in the here and now,always
Why am I here,to be of service and be happy[/h]

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Who am i?
i am the genetic result of my parents breeding, then rearing.

Where am i?
Within my skin. that skin is located on the 3rd planet from the sun, earth.

What am i?
A culmination of dead things from my environment, used for fuel and growth, a human being. mostly made up of water.