Who believes??


Active Member
Who believes that the national media, i.e. NBC, ABC, CBS, MSN, FOX, CNN or whatever media you watch or read, is telling you the truth, without bias or agenda?

Man, I don’t believe any of them! Money and power corrupt and I think the whole political/media assembly is corrupt.

If you offer a Billion dollars to anyone, who would say no… to anything???

How do we as citizens of this great country, STOP the corruption in Washington?

Honor is gone, honesty is gone, decency is gone, what’s left?

The only thing that I can think of is term limits in Washington and a law that mandates that no one can become “enriched” by their service in Washington. Just in an effort to combat the corruption… somehow!

What do you all think? S



Active Member
I love riddles!

1) a moron
2) a dead person
3) vote
5) I'm hungry

How did I do?
1) a moron will continue to do what they are doing without questioning the outcome
2) Many dead persons have been recorded as voting for Obama
3) voting hasn’t worked out so well so much in the past as all politicians have been the same dirtbag with a different name
4) TITTIES work for me too… Yeahhhhh for TITTIES!!!!
5) Dammit, now I’m hungry also, you prick… LOL

I think the answer lies in going after them if they get any richer in any way. S

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
How do we as citizens of this great country, STOP the corruption in Washington?
Dont re-elect Congressman or Senators more than once. 2 terms is plenty.

The perfect way to cramp their style would be if pork, unrelated riders, and earmarks were forbidden. IF Congress were not allowed to buy each others votes with pork, earmarks and riders as currency... they would be forced to vote on merit alone... not based on whats in it for themselves. The current crop of Congressman would lose their will to live.... and take certain necessary steps to make the world a better place without them.

It should be ILLEGAL for Congress to accept donations while Congress is in session, or in Washington DC. Lobbyists would have to hand deliver the checks to the office in the Congressman's district, the day after Congress is out of session. Shady local lawyers would be hired on retainer or commission by K-Street Firms.... Checks and Lobbyists would be delivered to a Congressman's District office near you in an Armored Truck... and have to cross a picket line of angry bi-partisan protesters. It would be far more civilized, even if a Lobbyist gets torn limb from limb once in a while.


Well-Known Member
How do we as citizens of this great country, STOP the corruption in Washington?
we begin by doing away with the corruption within ourselves. our government is merely a twisted reflection of the citizens it represents and we can't really expect more from them than we do from ourselves. we recognize the near impossibility of avoiding the temptations of power, yet we still heap more and more of it on these mere mortals. we expect them to behave honorably in the face of that overwhelming temptation and are always disappointed. still we hand them more power and hope that this time they will change their ways, giving us the service we demand and adhering to their duty. this all seems the very definition of insanity.

our corruption is that we feel we can simply walk away from our responsibility to act within reason and expect the state to enforce our morality for us. we lie, cheat and steal. we act uncharitably toward our neighbor. we embrace sloth instead of industry and give way to our envy and greed. few of us are much better than those we set to represent us, but we expect them to keep us in line.

there is no end to corruption, we can only hope to contain it and starve it into submission. it is a part of the nature of humanity and will thrive where it finds fertile soil. we feed the corruption in our government by demanding it be our conscience and by abdicating personal responsibility in favor of centralized control. it has taken over two hundred years for us to grow the monstrous corruption that envelopes our government and it simply isn't going to go away overnight. it is a long and arduous process that begins at the very lowest levels and works its way up. every politician that claims to have an immediate answer to the degeneration of our system of government is an out and out liar, with aspirations that are undoubtedly contrary to his stated claims. it is the people themselves and their expectations that must change before we can ever hope to chain the bureaucratic beast.