Who here vapes?


Well-Known Member
Not sure if we have a combustion or vape crowd here. I suspect a mix. I use two portable vapes but may get a SSV


Well-Known Member
For the daytime I vape keeps a motivational high for me. The night is more smoking for me to relax more and sleep. I guess as far as one or the other well I'm torn. They both have there pros and cons for me at least.


Well-Known Member
I hear you. During the day I might vape at a high temp setting, just pulling of the lighter head buzz. I'm more energetic with that. For later at night, etc I turn the temp up to pull more body buzz

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
just broke the volcano back out a few days ago. go months with smoking and my lungs remind me, not the way to go. appreciate the clearer energetic buzz of the vape. looking for new portable, the Iolite is kinda wimpy..


Well-Known Member
I have a Pax for portable. I went through 3 iolites, including 1 that was an original i-inhale


Well-Known Member
I have a extreme q bought it a while back used it a lot but waiting for warm up and keeping fresh bags made me go back to my bubbler. I found I coughed more with the vap. The drier hott air always got to me.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a fan of waiting around for things to heat up. Hence my wondering about getting an SSV


Well-Known Member
How can it be more harsh than full combustion, unless you're using a bubbler, maybe?


Well-Known Member
Idk what it is about it. Then again when I smoked cigs I couldn't smoke reds cause it tore up my throat have no idea why.Maybe it's my vape.


Well-Known Member
i borrowed my pops vapor bros. hands free last week, i found it harsh on my throat, too. having second thoughts on gettin 1 now.


Well-Known Member
If I could afford an overpriced $400.00 volcano, I would. but no way in my lifetime will I spend $400.00 for a getting high device. Don't care if I had a million bucks...aint gettin 400 outta me for a vape machine. I'd much rather make BHO and use that rather than vape....shit a little BHO shatter in a cup of coffee and you're good to go. No damage to the lungs and no $400 hit to the wallet...just saying, they're raping people. No way that machine costs even 1/3 that to manufacture. Portable vapes are anywhere from $150-250....fuck that shit. I'll wait till cheaper products come out as legalization takes hold.


Active Member
I vape here and there when I wanna be super high! I caugh big time with the vape tho IDK Y but it gets me to caugh left and right. But I am a RAW kinda a guy. I love those papers, but at the same token I am here smoking a bowl lol. The vap is fun but I have to know I want to smoke in order to use it. I have to say hey man in 5-10 minutes you might want to smoke something so get the vape ready. I don't like that. I like to get the urge and handle it right then and there. :) I'm not too picky tho I mean I use to be an only Garcia kinda guy and then I got to know bud on a personal level and fuk a Gar kills the taste of my meds. But if you sparking up I don't care what you use lol... The bag kind is the good one tho, my vape is more of a bowl type but nothing like a bowl can't explain it. EIther way just put it in the air!!!


Active Member
If I could afford an overpriced $400.00 volcano, I would. but no way in my lifetime will I spend $400.00 for a getting high device. Don't care if I had a million bucks...aint gettin 400 outta me for a vape machine. I'd much rather make BHO and use that rather than vape....shit a little BHO shatter in a cup of coffee and you're good to go. No damage to the lungs and no $400 hit to the wallet...just saying, they're raping people. No way that machine costs even 1/3 that to manufacture. Portable vapes are anywhere from $150-250....fuck that shit. I'll wait till cheaper products come out as legalization takes hold.
I would love to try this famous BHO hash but no matter how many You Tube videos I watch they never tell if it is made with dry or wet work or if it matters. Also I have a couple male plants I just had to take down can I make it with them? Last but not least where the hell do you find 5x refined butane??? I never see that and I looked at my butane bottle and it doesn't say that. im ready to stuff those plants into some PVC and cap that bitch and just find out but only one can of used butane lol doubt that will get me anything. Seriously tho any help on making this BHO would help. Looked on threads of it but nothing helpful. Thanks in advanced any help that comes with this post!


Well-Known Member
I've been using a bubbler and used a friend's vape a bit. The vape uses less but it is a different feeling. More in the head I guess? I feel it right behind the eyes and it seems harsher than a 20 dollar little bubbler pipe.I have been looking to get one of these for Christmas, an Underdog Log Vaporizer. Oh, they look sexy. Like a duck call. I just said vaporizers and duck calls are sexy. About 200 bucks.


Well-Known Member
This Pax has three temp settings. "Kind of a cool little thing." I hear that a lot, even before I bought this Pax... I sort of had my doubts about whether that would really make a sit of difference but it does. During the day, when I need my shit together, I use the low setting. At night medium. I don't use it on high, I just make tincture out of it.