Who is the best troll in the politics section?

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Well-Known Member
For such a spectacular country, many Moms in the US are whores. Is that why it is spectacular, all the cougar sex and crack smoking?


Well-Known Member
For such a spectacular country, many Moms in the US are whores. Is that why it is spectacular, all the cougar sex and crack smoking?
Its cos of the Govt cheese my man, people dont need to afford to have kids anymore, sure some people make their living off having kids...Socialism, sucks if you work hard.


Well-Known Member
Neither of you are Americans, right?
Nope, we've even more ridiculous Govt Chedder (it's more like Govt Brie) over here, and trust me man, people basically have kids for the cash. It's the same anywhere that has "entitlements".

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Here are my awards:

Uncle "Loretta" Buck: Uteri
NoDrama: Evil
LondonFog:Liberal what
deprave:most likely to hack networked voting booths to get Ron Paul his first win
Carne Seca:The Flamer
Bonkleesha: Terrible
RoninAmok:All Your Base
Wordz:All sans, no comic
Harekin: Most likely not to have a soul
Cliffey: I can't believe he's not 12
The Duke: He's known as THE duke


New Member
He wins for sure. He's flaming a person who isn't even responding to him anymore. No one will respond to his pschotic episode. He's off his meds and the walls are closing in. Somebody get this dude a stack of notebook so he can start writing his bullshit down and get of the forum.

Didn't someone once say the the definition of stupidity is repeating the same action expecting different results? I move to have that changed to the definition of stupidity is RoninAmok.
Your the biggest troll of all of them, your the biggest hypocrite on this site and you regurjitate the same shit, then when you don't like it, you cry to a mod. Now go off on a tantrum like you always do, but accuse other people of doing. you got more "ghost' accounts then anyone. fuckin crybaby.


Well-Known Member
Here are my awards:

Uncle "Loretta" Buck: Uteri
NoDrama: Evil
LondonFog:Liberal what
deprave:most likely to hack networked voting booths to get Ron Paul his first win
Carne Seca:The Flamer
Bonkleesha: Terrible
RoninAmok:All Your Base
Wordz:All sans, no comic
Harekin: Most likely not to have a soul
Cliffey: I can't believe he's not 12
The Duke: He's known as THE duke
Irish people don't have a higher proportion of gingers than anywhere else...sorry to burst that little MSM fantasy you had...so most likely not to have a soul isnt really accurate...you couldve just said I'm a total prick sometimes :p


Well-Known Member
Here are my awards:

Uncle "Loretta" Buck: Uteri
NoDrama: Evil
LondonFog:Liberal what
deprave:most likely to hack networked voting booths to get Ron Paul his first win
Carne Seca:The Flamer
Bonkleesha: Terrible
RoninAmok:All Your Base
Wordz:All sans, no comic
Harekin: Most likely not to have a soul
Cliffey: I can't believe he's not 12
The Duke: He's known as THE duke


Active Member
Here are my awards:

Uncle "Loretta" Buck: Uteri
NoDrama: Evil
LondonFog:Liberal what
deprave:most likely to hack networked voting booths to get Ron Paul his first win
Carne Seca:The Flamer
Bonkleesha: Terrible
RoninAmok:All Your Base
Wordz:All sans, no comic
Harekin: Most likely not to have a soul
Cliffey: I can't believe he's not 12
The Duke: He's known as THE duke
Cliffey approves this post.



Active Member
winter woman is a distant second/

as far as people who make points so strong they cant be argued, it HAS to be RONIN AMOK. funny to see all the "oh so smart" noobs resort to childish namecalling when ronin brings his foolproof logic to the table.


Well-Known Member
winter woman is a distant second/

as far as people who make points so strong they cant be argued, it HAS to be RONIN AMOK. funny to see all the "oh so smart" noobs resort to childish namecalling when ronin brings his foolproof logic to the table.
Are you not resorting to "childish name calling" right now?
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