Who is this woman, what did she know, and how did she know it?


New Member
For those who have read ... and possibly reread, Atas Shrugged, is there any doubt in your minds that we are presently living the novel?


New Member
Ayn Rand is an ideologue. She never held office or even ran a business. Her success in the free market was mostly based on red baiting at a time when that kind of thing was in vogue....

Her ideology of laissez-faire capitalism is essentially what caused the financial crisis. If you think the market can be trusted to take care of fraud and abuse (which is what she and alan greenspan believed) then you've probably had your head pretty pretty far up your ass for the past couple of years.

There was a saying in the soviet union that said basically everything marx told us about capitalism was true, but what he told us about communism wasn't". I think the reverse is true of her...

The govt. created the financial crisis. By the way, they are up to it again. Expect more financial messes in the future.


Well-Known Member
in the interview itself i would have to say i agree with pretty much everything she said. i think they are very logical ideas, that our lives should be lived by logic and truths


New Member
in the interview itself i would have to say i agree with pretty much everything she said. i think they are very logical ideas, that our lives should be lived by logic and truths
Exactly right. The problem Progressives have with Ayn Rand is the fact that she is an advocate for personal responsibility, individual liberty, free minds, free markets and limited government.


Well-Known Member
Exactly right. The problem Progressives have with Ayn Rand is the fact that she is an advocate for personal responsibility, individual liberty, free minds, free markets and limited government.
if everyone was self responsible i think it would solve majority of societies problems. i really like what she has to say about religion. why doesnt make more sense to everyone , the things you just mentioned, espcially self responsibility. which i think would help people understand how the law of attraction works a little better as well. i like how she doesnt believe in loving more than yourself, because you really are just allowing yourself to think in victim mindstate


New Member
if everyone was self responsible i think it would solve majority of societies problems. i really like what she has to say about religion. why doesnt make more sense to everyone , the things you just mentioned, espcially self responsibility. which i think would help people understand how the law of attraction works a little better as well. i like how she doesnt believe in loving more than yourself, because you really are just allowing yourself to think in victim mindstate
Man, you've got it! And this is exactly why Ayn Rand is a nemisis to the Progressives. They need victims in order for their machine to survive! :)


Well-Known Member
victims are needed for people who enjoy imposing their will on others. it should be natural law to recognize that everyone has freewill
and to disturb that is wrong. unless the victim is unconsciously allowing themselvs to be a victim. i think weve come way too far in social conditioning. for people to realize how their way of thinking has been conditioned or programmed into them from the moment they were born, will be a big step.
weve got to get over whats left, whats right! we have to get over categories and lables for people. because we are all individuals, and that understanding comes into clearer view when you study quantum physics. lableing is one of many ways for an individual to enter into a victim situation.
i think the people of most "western" societies have been programmed with religious ideas of higher power for too long whether we realize it or not. they used to kill if you thought otherwise. i will always support free thinking, unfortunantly many will have to relearn in another life


New Member
I don't watch much television. Did he present the news with gusto? :lol:
Gusto isn't the word. He followed the Progressive movement over the past 100 years and pointed out the parallels between Stalin, Mao, Che, Castro, Chavez AND HITLER. He did a great job in exposing the American Progressives in their quest to cover up their mirror image of Hitler's economic and suppressive political ideology.


New Member
It's there for all to see.... if they actually look for it. Most don't.

If I meet a liberal who is prospering by utilizing their liberal connections, then I understand although manipulative in nature, the determination to stick with it.

If I meet a liberal who is one on principles and isn't actually prospering by his lbeliefs, I know they are naive.


Atlas Shrugged is a horrible book, seriously. If your interested in it for its viewpoint thats fine, just get the cliff notes.
I read it some years back. It starts pretty good, but then rambles on for about 700 more pages. By the time the hero John Gault showed up I was pretty well ready close the book. Then his character rambles on for about another 75 pages or so. I seriously think the woman wrote it on meth.

I would suggest reading Anthem. Its much shorter and more entertaining, while still pushing the same objectivist veiwpoint. It could make a pretty cool Sci Fi movie. Its one of my favorites. Something along the lines of an Asimov or Ellison novel.

If you do choose to read Atlas Shrugged I would suggest having some visine on hand, at some points its like reading a phone book.

Not critiquing her view, just the book.


Well-Known Member
Atlas Shrugged is a horrible book, seriously. If your interested in it for its viewpoint thats fine, just get the cliff notes.
I read it some years back. It starts pretty good, but then rambles on for about 700 more pages. By the time the hero John Gault showed up I was pretty well ready close the book. Then his character rambles on for about another 75 pages or so. I seriously think the woman wrote it on meth.

I would suggest reading Anthem. Its much shorter and more entertaining, while still pushing the same objectivist veiwpoint. It could make a pretty cool Sci Fi movie. Its one of my favorites. Something along the lines of an Asimov or Ellison novel.

If you do choose to read Atlas Shrugged I would suggest having some visine on hand, at some points its like reading a phone book.

Not critiquing her view, just the book.
Yeah, Ayn Rand is verbose and preachy. In fact, some of her characters are preachy, too.

But I also know I've read Atlas Shrugged three times throughout my life. And each time I've read it, it has helped me. Nothing like the first time, though.

I wasn't even aware of Cliff's Notes for Atlas Shrugged. But I just went to the site, and lo and behold, there it was!

They even have a quiz. I scored 12/12. :-P


I recommend actually reading it. I found it riveting. Same goes for The Fountainhead.


New Member
I agree, Atlas Shrugged is a very tedious read. Man-O-Man ... 1100 pages. But the message ... the message!

I agree that Anthem is a great book too, and much easier to read. The author's forward is worth the price of admission.