who likes to carve there own bowls


Active Member
Dont know about you but i love to carve my own bowls. It keeps me busy because if you want to make a nice one it takes a while. Plus you can show it off too your friends haha. Just be careful I cut myself bad last night.....I passed out of blood loss. Luckily I got the band aid on and stopped the bleeding before i passed.

I'd accually like to make a bong out of wood in the future....


Well-Known Member
Dont know about you but i love to carve my own bowls. It keeps me busy because if you want to make a nice one it takes a while. Plus you can show it off too your friends haha. Just be careful I cut myself bad last night.....I passed out of blood loss. Luckily I got the band aid on and stopped the bleeding before i passed.

I'd accually like to make a bong out of wood in the future....

Have a pic of one?


Active Member
I'll try to post one soon I don't have a camera but I'll ask a friend. You can get really detailed with them though I've seen one with faces on them its awesome


Well-Known Member
I'll try to post one soon I don't have a camera but I'll ask a friend. You can get really detailed with them though I've seen one with faces on them its awesome
I made one when I was younger in the Boy Scouts. I was getting my Wood Carving merit badge! Time and Patience is key.


Active Member
:peace:....Wood & Bamboo are the best to me:lol:, i only smoke Herb in Wood, Bamboo or papers....i enjoy making Bamboo pipes....need to find some different size bowls for them and maybe better mouth piece to go on endbongsmilie....any ideas for Bamboo:?:....Positive Growing !


Active Member
No I had to get this thing off the edge so i used one of those foldable razorblades and it spun back and went like halfway through my thumb and my middle finger.


Skinny fucker. I'm a toothpick and still can loose some blood. EAT SOME MEAT!!!

tea tree

Well-Known Member
i have passed out from blood loss a bunch from being an alki and having my veins explode and man is the headache a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol, MORPHINE buds!!!!!!!!!!