Who will be the Republican challenger in 2012?


Well-Known Member
Alot of rich people stock up on gold knowing that the currency isnt totaly dependable.. plus we have the treasury... lots of private collectors.... there is alot of gold around.. probably more then back in the day.. we could even back our money with precious jewles.. its better then our current system where its backed by faith alone

To my knowledge, other than dental and industrial uses, humans don't usually throw gold away. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
If we returned to the gold standard, most likely the government would confiscate gold held by private owners.

So go ahead and stock up on gold, people!


Well-Known Member
didnt they already do that a hundred years ago??? or am i thinking of something else

If we returned to the gold standard, most likely the government would confiscate gold held by private owners.

So go ahead and stock up on gold, people!


Well-Known Member
didnt they already do that a hundred years ago??? or am i thinking of something else

Not quite a hundred years ago, but yes.

If you advocate a return to the gold standard AND tell people they should stock up on gold (because it's the only thing that's going to have value soon) you're seriously deluding yourself, and those around you.


Well-Known Member
You make statements like this and don't back them up.

Also, since you are being childish and throwing insults around and playing "who has the bigger dick" when it comes to education (and yes I know you're a chica)... I don't think you should be calling anyone stupid.
lmao You also noticed that. She's like a cheerleader, all yell and no substance.


Well-Known Member
that was someone else that said to stock up on gold

Not quite a hundred years ago, but yes.

If you advocate a return to the gold standard AND tell people they should stock up on gold (because it's the only thing that's going to have value soon) you're seriously deluding yourself, and those around you.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul 2012!

IMO Dr. Paul is the only Republican with any credability.
Indeed, I think he is the only electible Republican at this point.
He has 30-Odd years of fighting all the problems we are having right now.
His Foresight an integrity are second to none.

He is the only canidate who said he would end the War on drugs.
IMO its Ron Paul or Bust in 2012.
If not God help us all.


Well-Known Member
totally agreed + rep for waking up before the rest of people ;)

Ron Paul 2012!

IMO Dr. Paul is the only Republican with any credability.
Indeed, I think he is the only electible Republican at this point.
He has 30-Odd years of fighting all the problems we are having right now.
His Foresight an integrity are second to none.

He is the only canidate who said he would end the War on drugs.
IMO its Ron Paul or Bust in 2012.
If not God help us all.


New Member
didnt they already do that a hundred years ago??? or am i thinking of something else
In 1933, the Roosevelt administration outlawed the private ownership of gold and cancelled all gold clauses in private contracts. "Hoarding" of gold was punishable by a $10,000 fine and/or five years in prison.

Prior to 1933, Americans had honest money, redeemable in gold or silver coin.

The reason FDR separated American money from gold, is because with gold backed money, the only way for government to produce another dollar, would be to dig another dollar's worth of gold out of the ground. Once gold backing was removed, government could print as much money as they wanted to ... in order to build the Welfare State.

In 1933, you could buy an ounce of gold for $28.00. Now, you need (as of last Friday) $1045.00.

In 1933, an ounce of gold would buy you a nice suit of clothes. Today, an ounce of gold will still buy you a VERY nice suit of clothes.

Today, you'd be lucky to buy a simple sweat shirt for $28.00.

Therefore ... inflation is a hidden tax, THANKS TO THE PROGRESSIVES, and their totalitarian ways.

Gold/Silver is the money of free men. Paper is the money of slaves.


Well-Known Member
totally... see people, someone knows there shit... inflation is a hiddin tax and could lead to hyper inflation like some countries have already had... if there was a small amount of money people would work there asses off to get it because its rare and worth alot of money... with alot of money out there you dont half to work as hard to get it and theres so much not many people find value in it.. its not rare and worth as much as it used to be... thats inflation.... if we keep printing money and the inflation goes up .. it can cause hyper inflation over night (literally) and we would be so fucked... except the smart ones that still hold onto preious metals

In 1933, the Roosevelt administration outlawed the private ownership of gold and cancelled all gold clauses in private contracts. "Hoarding" of gold was punishable by a $10,000 fine and/or five years in prison.

Prior to 1933, Americans had honest money, redeemable in gold or silver coin.

The reason FDR separated American money from gold, is because with gold backed money, the only way for government to produce another dollar, would be to dig another dollar's worth of gold out of the ground. Once gold backing was removed, government could print as much money as they wanted to ... in order to build the Welfare State.

In 1933, you could buy an ounce of gold for $28.00. Now, you need (as of last Friday) $1045.00.

In 1933, an ounce of gold would buy you a nice suit of clothes. Today, an ounce of gold will still buy you a VERY nice suit of clothes.

Today, you'd be lucky to buy a simple sweat shirt for $28.00.

Therefore ... inflation is a hidden tax, THANKS TO THE PROGRESSIVES, and their totalitarian ways.

Gold/Silver is the money of free men. Paper is the money of slaves.


Well-Known Member
They have confiscated gold before.
But people in the 30's were foolish and trusted the Government to do right by them.
This is 2009 if they threatened to steal our Gold agein shit would hit the fan.

I'm thinking Ron Paul / Michelle Bachman 2012
Or Perhaps Ron Paul / Jim DeMint

But if it isn't Ron Paul then to hell with them.
Considering the Police state growing here I would flee the country.
The only Problem is where can one Go?
Its the same everywhere.
That is why 2012 isn't a game to me it is very important.
It will deside if we are going into a police state or if we will be a free people.
IMO 2012 will be the choice between freedom and slavery.

We have thought crime bills.
Manditory Flu Shots.
Riots cops beating on protesters.

I just want you people to leave me alone.
Why can't we just be left alone.


Well-Known Member
They have confiscated gold before.
But people in the 30's were foolish and trusted the Government to do right by them.
This is 2009 if they threatened to steal our Gold agein shit would hit the fan.

I'm thinking Ron Paul / Michelle Bachman 2012
Or Perhaps Ron Paul / Jim DeMint

But if it isn't Ron Paul then to hell with them.
Considering the Police state growing here I would flee the country.
The only Problem is where can one Go?
Its the same everywhere.
That is why 2012 isn't a game to me it is very important.
It will deside if we are going into a police state or if we will be a free people.
IMO 2012 will be the choice between freedom and slavery.

We have thought crime bills.
Manditory Flu Shots.
Riots cops beating on protesters.

I just want you people to leave me alone.
Why can't we just be left alone.

Ron Paul would not run with that crazy bitch, Michelle Bachman.

Jim DeMint? Really? ROFLMAO.

The republican party is SCREWED. there are no credible figures left there.


Well-Known Member
ron paul is still very crediable and so is his son... not many more then them are credible but there are some good one left... im voting ron paul or another similiar person even if i half to write him in


Well-Known Member
ron paul is still very crediable and so is his son... not many more then them are credible but there are some good one left... im voting ron paul or another similiar person even if i half to write him in
Ron Paul is not really a republican, he describes himself as a Libertarian (which in many people's opinion, is closer to the true republican ideology than the modern republican party).

If Ron Paul were to run as a republican, he'd have a very hard time finding a credible running mate.


Well-Known Member
tru..... even thought he is a declared republican he isnt a republican at heart and mind.... if Ron cant find anybody to run with him then i nominate myself... or even that guy that pleged to empty the prisons of non violent criminalsand to fill them with corporate criminals

i forget his name... he ran for president last year and did good... he was running as libertarian or something...hes no ron paul but a little better then what weve had


Well-Known Member
tru..... even thought he is a declared republican he isnt a republican at heart and mind.... if Ron cant find anybody to run with him then i nominate myself... or even that guy that pleged to empty the prisons of non violent criminalsand to fill them with corporate criminals

i forget his name... he ran for president last year and did good... he was running as libertarian or something...hes no ron paul but a little better then what weve had

That was Ralph Nader, I think. He's a member of the Green Party. They're lefties =) And very ideologically similar to socialists, I might add.


Well-Known Member
Yah, ralph nader... i figured him to be a right winger.. he did push a bill thru washington dc a decade ago that prohibited them from passing a publicly approved medical marijuana bill...because washington dc is not protected by the consitution they could eliminate the public from legalizing MMJ thru local elections... well just recently him and some others got that bill removed and now hes for marijuana (sorta)... guess hes waking up to the destruction hes done

That was Ralph Nader, I think. He's a member of the Green Party. They're lefties =) And very ideologically similar to socialists, I might add.


Well-Known Member
Yah, ralph nader... i figured him to be a right winger.. he did push a bill thru washington dc a decade ago that prohibited them from passing a publicly approved medical marijuana bill...because washington dc is not protected by the consitution they could eliminate the public from legalizing MMJ thru local elections... well just recently him and some others got that bill removed and now hes for marijuana (sorta)... guess hes waking up to the destruction hes done

The anti-cannabis position is becoming less popular among the left, right, AND center - mainly due to empirical evidence that suggests our "war on drugs" is not actually reducing the manufacture, sale, and use of drugs and is, instead, simply contributing to our already overpopulated penal facilities, social inequities, etc.

I was really stoked to hear that they reversed the budget measure that would have kept DC from implementing a medical marijuana law (which the people of DC did, in fact, vote for several years ago and was never allowed to become law because of that measure).

DC is my neighbor to the north, so if DC implements a medical marijuana law then we would almost certainly have to follow suit, simply because of proximity and the seemingly amorphous nature of the VA/DC population (many DC residents commute to VA and visa versa).

Anyway, I've got a documentary on Ralph Nader that I've been meaning to watch on Netflix. I might actually get around to doing that tonight.


Well-Known Member
Hook me up with the name of the documentary on ralph nador soi can check for it on youtube...peace

It's called "An Unreasonable Man". No spoilers if you manage to find it! I won't be able to sit down and watch it until the kids go to sleep :mrgreen: