whos really racist the proffessor or the media

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
the wave of crap that is following this harvard proffesor shit is mind blowing. a new york rep resigned because they exspressed there personal opions on a website. a police officer was suspended. since when is our right to have a opinion about some one racist. or grounds for suspention or cause to resign. the very thought that people cant say what they think about some is insane. even i dont like everyone so why cant i let it be known that i dont like u and why. this is the beggining of something that could be much worse. just my thoughts, so what do you guys think.

hater hurter

Active Member
you can dislike someone all you want as long as it's for who that particular person is not what color or sex they are. expressing your opinion while generalizing about a certain race gets you fired cause if it's in any way related to your job or was done at your job the company can be held liable in certain circumstances. also, expressing dislike for a co-worker will also get you fired as it's unprofessional and most likely violates company policy on grievances.


Well-Known Member
Why are you acting as if this whole thing is new? The fake civil rights groups have been doing this shit for years. It's how they make their money.


Well-Known Member
If the cop were Andy Griffith we wouldn't be hearing all this crap. The Police acted stupidly. The guy was at his own house, the cop should have apologized ,diffusing the situation and then got in his car and left. case closed, but no, the cop has to power trip and since the professor didn't instantly obey the pig then well the cop can make up a charge of "Disorderly Conduct" and arrest him, but really the cop was just pissed off the professor did not submit to his demands. Thats the problem with many police today, they think they are gods and must be obeyed, they are taught this at the academies. Police are here to enforce laws and protect citizens, not judge people and make arrests based on whether someone shit in your corn flakes that morning or not. The professor is using the race card to force the issue, since the cop used legal (But not really Lawful) measures and has a good defense.


Well-Known Member
I think it's a great case for everyone. Might make a few more power cops re-think their actions. It will make others re-think their re-actions if that's good or not I don't know, I wouldn't mind a beer at the white house. hehehe.


Well-Known Member
its the cop whos racist, not the professor, unless the professor has stared hating whitey after all of this BS. and even if the media is not racist, they are corrupt for trying to milk the racism out of this for ratings and a scoop


Well-Known Member
I think its very clear that the POLICE OFFICER was simply responding to a burglary call. It is in fact his job to ask for ID and make sure there isn't someone in the home forcing the homeowner to say everything is fine. At that point the homeowner, in this case professor Gates lost his cool and started calling a POLICE OFFICER that was bound by the requirements of his job, a racist.

Regardless of the pre-existing hatred the professor OBVIOUSLY has for the police and white men, if you lose your freaking cool when talking to a POLICE OFFICER, you're going to raise suspicions. Kind of like if you're speeding and get pulled over, it usually doesn't serve your best interests to flip out and start calling the POLICE OFFICER names and disparaging his mother. I don't care who you are, what color you are or where you are, showing disrespect to a fellow citizen who is doing a job most of us would be scared SH!TLESS to do for even a week is only a sign of YOUR OWN prejudices or racist beliefs.

As to why he was arrested, it seems fairly clear and supported by the neighbors accounts and the fellow POLICE OFFICER'S reports that Gates followed the Seargant out onto the porch and continued to loudly berate and insult him in from of the public. To any remotely honest person, this is the definition of disturbing the peace and it sounds like a night in jail is exactly what this unhinged gentleman needed.

If it was my house, same situation with a latino or black POLICE OFFICER and I acted exactly as Gates did, I would completely expect to get arrested.....wouldn't you?

If not I question your honesty and/or your intelligence


Well-Known Member
I probably would have asked to see the pictures on the fire place mantle or something so simple that proves he lives there. I don't know the timeline or any of that jazz just the basic scoop. Blink twice if there is a real bad guy in the house telling you to say it's all O.K.


Well-Known Member
I think it's classic that the lady who called the 5-0 works for harvard. Like she didn't know who it is.


New Member
"whos really racist the proffessor or the media"

Those "Progressives" on the extreme left are the true racists. They honestly believe that Black people, Hispanics, Gays, Women ... and just about every one else except White Christian Males, cannot rise above poverty, or a narrow, darkened little life without being on the Federal Plantation. A plantation that the extreme left would rule over, of course.



Active Member
"whos really racist the proffessor or the media"

Those "Progressives" on the extreme left are the true racists. They honestly believe that Black people, Hispanics, Gays, Women ... and just about every one else except White Christian Males, cannot rise above poverty, or a narrow, darkened little life without being on the Federal Plantation. A plantation that the extreme left would rule over, of course.

wow. :roll:


Well-Known Member
I think its very clear that the POLICE OFFICER was simply responding to a burglary call. It is in fact his job to ask for ID and make sure there isn't someone in the home forcing the homeowner to say everything is fine. At that point the homeowner, in this case professor Gates lost his cool and started calling a POLICE OFFICER that was bound by the requirements of his job, a racist.

Regardless of the pre-existing hatred the professor OBVIOUSLY has for the police and white men, if you lose your freaking cool when talking to a POLICE OFFICER, you're going to raise suspicions. Kind of like if you're speeding and get pulled over, it usually doesn't serve your best interests to flip out and start calling the POLICE OFFICER names and disparaging his mother. I don't care who you are, what color you are or where you are, showing disrespect to a fellow citizen who is doing a job most of us would be scared SH!TLESS to do for even a week is only a sign of YOUR OWN prejudices or racist beliefs.

As to why he was arrested, it seems fairly clear and supported by the neighbors accounts and the fellow POLICE OFFICER'S reports that Gates followed the Seargant out onto the porch and continued to loudly berate and insult him in from of the public. To any remotely honest person, this is the definition of disturbing the peace and it sounds like a night in jail is exactly what this unhinged gentleman needed.

If it was my house, same situation with a latino or black POLICE OFFICER and I acted exactly as Gates did, I would completely expect to get arrested.....wouldn't you?

If not I question your honesty and/or your intelligence
If it were my house the cop better just high tail it out of there once I proved who I am. And you don't go around arresting people for yelling in their own home, regardless if the neighbors could hear or not. Instead you DIFFUSE the situation by leaving, not escalating it because you got some insults thrown at you..the old saying" Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" applies here. Unfortunately the cops act like words do them more harm than armor piercing bullets. Next time he should just call himself a Whhhaaaaaaambulance.


Well-Known Member
If it were my house the cop better just high tail it out of there once I proved who I am. And you don't go around arresting people for yelling in their own home, regardless if the neighbors could hear or not. Instead you DIFFUSE the situation by leaving, not escalating it because you got some insults thrown at you..the old saying" Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" applies here. Unfortunately the cops act like words do them more harm than armor piercing bullets. Next time he should just call himself a Whhhaaaaaaambulance.
That's as ignorant of a statement as I've ever read. The POLICE OFFICER had better high tail it out of there? Dude you are seriously deluded, that POLICE OFFICER will leave when he feels he has investigated the situation to HIS or HER satisfaction...not yours. That's why he's authorized to carry the firearm, he has the authority and if you doubt that, well my friend give it a try and we'll see who is correct.

And once again you seem to want to disregard the actual facts of the case. Mr. Gates went OUTSIDE of his home...VOLUNTARILY and continued to scream and insult the POLICE OFFICER. The POLICE OFFICER was leaving and had diffused the situation. It was Mr. Gates that decided to take the screaming outside. He was then warned three (3) times that he was being disorderly (again this is the POLICE OFFICERS discretion) and had better go inside and stop the screaming or he would be arrested. Mr. Gates CHOSE not to listen to a POLICE OFFICERS command...that's right...COMMAND, and was consequently arrested for exactly what he was warned he would be arrested for.

And as for the whole sticks and stones argument, it's exactly that action that leads to officers getting shot...people start with violent language and get themselves worked up to violent actions. There is NO argument you can make that justifies Mr. Gates actions, if he had just showed his ID in a polite manner and closed his front door when the POLICE OFFICER walked out, this entire situation would never have happened.

Mr. Gates is a racist....period. Every bit as much of a racist as a Klan member.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Is it possible the cop was wrong to arrest Mr. Gates AND Mr. Gates was playing the race card?

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
muylocnc, thats right dude. i like when someone speaks from the facts not just what they think happend. the cop did his job to the fullest of any standards. and i think i heard on the news he teaches about racial emotions to other cops, hard to call that man racist. mr gates acted like an ignorant person and got what he deserved and then was put in his place. the police are hear for a reason. so many assholes just hate cops and most of them hate because there dumbass got cought for some IGNORANT shit. you the worst person in this is the media they will throw gas on a fire just for a story any time they see fit.

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
and just for the record i belive that america owes nothing to the black race or any other race. this is the greatest country on the planet. and our president is a testament to what you can acomplish when you try and dont just make exscuses. you find me a black man the was forced by his owner to pick cotton and ill give that man any thing he desires because he worked for it but not his great grandchild.


Well-Known Member
Guess who is the law in my home? Me. Thats why i am AUTHORIZED to carry a weapon. A police officers Command? I'm no ones bitch, the cops are not authorized to run around COMMANDING people to do their bidding whenever they feel like it just because they have a badge, far be it, they are to be held to much HIGHER standards than the average man, for it is they who protect us. Guess what? Every cop gets taught all about racial relationships, I would say that probably 50% are involved with teaching in some form or another so those qualifications you listed don't really mean much. You can be the biggest racist and still teach racial equality and love and understanding, just like you can be a professional clown who just so happens to like boys to have sex with and then cut them up and snack on them. there are some sick bastards out there and mr cop could be one. The smart cop would have just left, his absence would make everything better for everyone. By arresting Mr gates he has really screwed the cops over now. Imagine how much heat his fellow officers are going to take now every time they even look at a black person. Of course mr Gates is going to use the Race card, it fucking works when you use it, its a very smart strategy. The cop will at minimum be on some type of administrative leave for some time, until finally being let go, along with him will also go others until John Q Public is satisfied that enough heads have rolled for another "Race Incident". there will be more race "Love ins" and every officer will teach equality classes and worship at the Martin Luther King Jr church of "The Dream".

Like I said, the cop should have just left, none of this would be happening right now. Major shit is hitting the fan becasue of all this, the fucking president is personally involved for god sakes, WTF?

And Just for the record I also am of the belief that the USA owes no apology for deeds our great great great ancestors did to other races. If anything the native Americans were really screwed over, we didn't bother trying to enslave them, we just slaughtered them until 95% were dead they call that genocide, we reduced them from a population of 12 million to 270,000. Thats quite a few more than Hitler. Of course the American school system doesn't touch that subject, and no one went to any special trials or is demonized in any way, but there it is none the less.


Active Member
Guess who is the law in my home? Me. Thats why i am AUTHORIZED to carry a weapon. A police officers Command? I'm no ones bitch, the cops are not authorized to run around COMMANDING people to do their bidding whenever they feel like it just because they have a badge, far be it, they are to be held to much HIGHER standards than the average man, for it is they who protect us. Guess what? Every cop gets taught all about racial relationships, I would say that probably 50% are involved with teaching in some form or another so those qualifications you listed don't really mean much. You can be the biggest racist and still teach racial equality and love and understanding, just like you can be a professional clown who just so happens to like boys to have sex with and then cut them up and snack on them. there are some sick bastards out there and mr cop could be one. The smart cop would have just left, his absence would make everything better for everyone. By arresting Mr gates he has really screwed the cops over now. Imagine how much heat his fellow officers are going to take now every time they even look at a black person. Of course mr Gates is going to use the Race card, it fucking works when you use it, its a very smart strategy. The cop will at minimum be on some type of administrative leave for some time, until finally being let go, along with him will also go others until John Q Public is satisfied that enough heads have rolled for another "Race Incident". there will be more race "Love ins" and every officer will teach equality classes and worship at the Martin Luther King Jr church of "The Dream"..
right there you nailed it imho...but....um....

And Just for the record I also am of the belief that the USA owes no apology for deeds our great great great ancestors did to other races.
this moot point frustrates the hell out of me. jim crow laws were in effect until 1954 and until that year blacks were second-class citizens with practically no civil liberties honored.