why are my clones not growing?

Well for starters did you use a rooting/cloning hormone? If so what kind? If you didn't you absolutely need to use that. I never have used a humidity dome honestly and have never had problems. Also what soil are you using and what is the ratio? (N-P-K)?


Well-Known Member
yeah we need to know what your trying to root your clones in, what tek you used to take your clones.

HOw long has been, what lights and etc?

What is the tempature of the room/soil are they on a heat mat? Also are you over watering them? overwater of clones is one of the biggest most reoccuring problem for slow/lack of rooting I have seen.


Well-Known Member
why are my clones not rooting? Do I absolutely need a humidity dome?
how long has it been? it could take up to two weeks to root some strains. also rooting gel or rooting hormones are not absolutely necessary. ive rooted clones using just tap water and rapid rooters and in my home made bubble cloner. just takes a little longer is all.


Well-Known Member
wow. 3 weeks? u sure? cuz they should be wilting and yellowing a bit by now without roots and a dome id think.
It may take a long time for the roots to develop as others are saying, but how much light and what kind of lights are you using?? How many clones are you growing?


Active Member
heres a pic of one of them. I'm probably being impatient. how much light should clone receive?

They don't need much light. If you have a cfl over them, that is fine. You really don't need the rockwool/peat cubes, heat mats, domes, gel, and all that to clone. Why do people make it so difficult?


Well-Known Member
With how big the leaves are, and the fact they are not yellowing or falling over idk they seem to look really nice.

Specially with those big fan leaves still on them but the fact they are not even yellowed.... generally clones tend to yellow out just before they root.... I am wondering if you are giving them to much water and nutes so they have little to no reason to root out.


Well-Known Member
same problem here--i think im keepin mine too wet--3 weeks now--still green but no roots started so far--i took 15 clones from 3 plants--i used a razor blade--45 them --root tone ---then into promix under a 2 foot shop light


Well-Known Member
If your temps are around 85 degrees, Humidity around 90%, then you should be good to go. Usually when clones stall, it is due to a lack of oxygen entering the soon-to-be root mass. If you keep them soaking wet, it is going to take a lot longer for the roots to form. I had some Fruity Juice clones do the same thing, If they are really really wet, I would recommend letting them dry out, keeping most of the moisture you apply limited to the foliage and surrounding air, maybe spray the actual rockwool cube just once a day.


Active Member
trim some of those big fan leaves, more power to start your roots off.
wrong......the fan leaves are what gives the clone mos,t if not, any of the nutrients its going to be eating until it grows new roots.

seriously Brando if you're in rockwool that means you're not using a cloning machine. which means you NEED to use a dome to get your clones to root. heres what i use to do ( cause i just switched to a cloner machine). take a 5 gal bucket put good water in it. throw your rockwool cubes in there and ph the water. add any nutes ( go light 500ppm's should do) or additives at this point. roots excel helps alot with rooting time. then once your water is ph'd take each cube and slightly press it your hand so water come out. do that until the water is only a drip. then stick your cutting thats been dipped in a rooting compound of some sort, then stick it in your cube. just until the bottom of the cut is tuck into the cube ( use the hole). do that for the rest of your cuts. now put ur dome on and leave the top holes closed and leave it like that untouched for like 4 days. then come back and check inside. remove any mold that starts to form. then close the lid and crack the top holes. just a crack you don't want to much moisture escaping. once you see roots form open the holes at the top of the dome all the way. this allows for a hardening off period to happen so the plants don't droop from being removed from the dome all of a sudden. Also the clones don't need much light. I leave them in my mom's room which is a 1000w MH @ about 6 feet away. That usually gives them enough heat and light to keep their bio-rhythm going correctly. but you don't want to give them too much light until they show roots. they're trying to root not veg. so too much light kinda confuses them on which to do root or grow new leaves. which it will grow new leaves anyways once it has new roots lol. the point is if your not in a warm room like that then you also need to use a heat mat with a sensor to turn it on and off. stick the probe for the sensor directly into on one your rockwool cubes ( or use an extra one just for this) so that you know where ur root zones will be is at the correct temp.

hope this helps. =) cheers!


You should cut off the tips of the leaves and the humidity dome is necessary because the plant cannot absorb moisture through its roots until it develops new ones.


New Member
They don't need much light. If you have a cfl over them, that is fine. You really don't need the rockwool/peat cubes, heat mats, domes, gel, and all that to clone. Why do people make it so difficult?

depending on the climate of room that stuff may be needed,at least for certain parts of the year.As in my case.Everybody has different variables.The trick is to reconize what you need and don't need

At my last house the ones in indirect light from a 1000 mh did better,faster then the ones under the t5


Well-Known Member
Those leaves look almost too healthy this far in. Should see alot more yellowing by now. I'd ease off the water for a bit and try and keep your medium slightly moist. Lights aren't too important right now. They don't need much. I run my clones under t-5s, 24/7. Good luck