Why are my leaves cupping/drooping? PICS!!!

High all! This is my third grow and I'm having some issues with my Island/Tropical Kush plants.

1. Island or Tropical kush almost to 3rd week of 12/12.
2. 6"rockwool cubes.
3. Indoor 4x8 ebb n flow. Watering twice a day. 1Hour after lites on & 1 hour b4 lites off.
4. 2-1000w hps and 1-600w conversion in the middle (all aircooled).
5. Temps: 65-70(night) and 73-77(day).
6. RH: 55-60%(night) and 45-55%(day).
7. FLoranova Bloom, Liquid Kool Bloom, and Floralacious Bloom(instead of Plus) as per GH nutrient feeding schedule.
8. Nute solution is 1440ppm minus 120ppm of my tapwater and is 68 degrees f.
9. Ph is 5.8

My plants started having these issues about a week ago. I haven't noticed any nute burn but I believe I have some deficiency issues. Some upper leaves on a couple plants are yellowing, small leaves by buds are cupping in and drooping, some are shriveled up. I water them twice a day and top feed them every 3-4 days to get rid of any salt accumulation. I change my res. every 7-10 days. Please let me know what yall think. Thank you very much everyone.


Thanks for ur quick response jc. I was thinking it might be over/underwatering. A coulpe of days ago I tried flooding the table once a day and the rockwool seemed to be pretty dry and light and leaves still looked like that. But I was a lil scared to let it go like that for more than a day. Do you think maybe I should try that again at least for a few days? I read that plants in rockwool do better when you let them dry out but like I said I got kinda worried that they were too dry...


Active Member
could be humidity? i had the same problem, in my flood n drain tent. dropped the humidity to bout 30 or less n it seemed to help alot. i heard ur posed to keep it round 20 ne way when buddin to help prevent mold...good luck!
could be humidity? i had the same problem, in my flood n drain tent. dropped the humidity to bout 30 or less n it seemed to help alot. i heard ur posed to keep it round 20 ne way when buddin to help prevent mold...good luck!
Thanks for the reply Lightning. Yeah I've also read that humidity should be lower during flower. Thanks again.

I also think it Looks like over watering
Thanks to you too bud! I just top feed them yesterday and I'll try to let the rw dry out b4 I water again.

Anyone else wanna chime in. I'm a newb but eager to learn...
Thanks cowboy. If it was too much nitrogen would the leaves be darker green? I'm getting some yellowing of leaves so I was thinking maybe it was nitrogen deficient at first. Or maybe I gave it too much nitro and it got locked out?


Well-Known Member
Some plants/strains get dark green. Others claw. And yes a plant that is N toxic will lockout other nutrients. Zinc, Boron, Calcium and Manganese to name a few. But I would not sweat it too much. Just go with water for 10 days or so. Watch them closely and adjust/begin feeding them from there. Check out the Plant problems and cures thread. Lots of good info. Looking good for a first grow. Dont panic and over compensate. Just slow down a bit and pay closer attention. Its all good.......
You know cowboy my lights just flipped on and some of my leaves(especially the ones with the most cupping) are getting a darker green. Do you think that would explain the shriveling of some small leaves and some of the plants looking deficient(yellowing of leaves)? So i guess I should just flush the rockwool with plain water and only give it water for awhile??? Nute lockout from too much nute!!!Thanks i really appreciate your help.


Well-Known Member
Your welcome. I wouldnt worry so much about flushing the cubes. Just run phed waterin the system for a week or so. It only seems to be a minor overdose. The affected leaves will remain clawed, its the new growth you want to watch for signs of recovery.
Alright cowboy I dumped/cleaned my res out last nite and starting tonight I'm gonna be giving my girls only H20. Thinking about maybe lowering my pH also. Some peeps seem to think that rockwool should be closer to 5.5, so I'll give it a try. Thanks again and I'll be updating soon. Peace.