why are my leaves falling

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
He's using a couple of drops and its liquid not time release. Also not being organic certified is not the issue re plant health IMO. I'm just thinking he's got a major root thing going on there but could be wrong. I typically don't get into these threads as there are 100 suggestions to fix a problem and I suck at figuring out my own lol.


Well-Known Member
Soil growers can chime in and correct me if I am wrong here, my soil use stopped over 3 years ago.
The new line of MG in yellow bags looks interesting.

the KISS rule that I remember is slowly flush soil of any nutrients with 3 times the volume of your pot.
Add nutes at 50% what your initial dose was or half of the ppm of the runoff if you don't remember the PPMs or ec, which ever you use.


Well-Known Member
Thanks VenomGrower6990,
it was a freebie at my hydro store, I like the information it contains.
It is not written for a botanist so it is easier to follow the info.
I posted a photo of the cover to show the webpage associated for further info.


Well-Known Member
Thanks VenomGrower6990,
it was a freebie at my hydro store, I like the information it contains.
It is not written for a botanist so it is easier to follow the info.
I posted a photo of the cover to show the webpage associated for further info.
Thanks extra knowledge is always a plus+++:idea::leaf:

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
So most likely P def, but give her some mag if you haven't anyway. Definitely phosphorus deficiency. You're welcome.
Learn'in time kiddies~

That's no P def! That's too MUCH P!!! I suspect he has a pH problem also.....All in going should be pH'ed to 6.5 starting now - not a "cure" but will help!

With a NPK of 16-16-16 - the P&K are high! For many, the NPK ratio of 3 parts N ~ 1 part P ~ 2 parts K is the go to ratio.

So, looking at that. The common MG blue powder is 24-8-16....That is a ratio of 3-1-2 and CAN be used for cannabis.
TO use MG. I would run it at 1/4 strength (6-2-4) and use a Kelp extract for the minerals, B vit's and hormones. I would run a Ca/Mg product with that......It will work ok that way BUT you can't leave out any of the formula.....I would give a light leaching to the soil every 2 weeks - say a cpl of cups of run off....At the next watering I would water with a nice Bio tea to keep the soil soft and alive..I would make sure that all in going was 6.5 - 7.0 ! IF the plant seemed to need "more"? I might go up to a 1/2 strength feeding, once every 2 weeks instead of a 1/4 strength one - all other "feedings would be the 1/4 strength.......I would do every other day waterings and use the "feed - water - feed - water" method......You would have to adjust the "amount" of liquid you water to match an every other day sched..

THAT, is how "I" would run MG