why are my outdoor plants revegging during fuull flowering !?!?!?


Hi everyone, I currently got three plants in full bud that is grown from clones. one is gdp, the other two are trainwreck.

Now, all plants are in full flowering and have been outside since May 3rd. They were inside under 24/7 light for three weeks.

about a week and half ago, I transplanted them from 1gal to 3gal smartpot because the buds are super tiny and i want them to get fatter and also this whole time I been giving it only floranova bloom and bat guano mixed in the coco coir during flowering.

I also started giving them calmag hoping the plants can get a little densier buds, but now, all of them are going back to reveg mode!!! WHY?!?!


Well-Known Member
they were flowering while the days are still long and realized it wasnt fall so they started growing again. the days just started getting shorter. dont worry they'll start packing on buds again in a few weeks.


Well-Known Member
You put them in a bigger home with more room to expand the root system so the rest of the plant grew some more along with it. They probably started flowering early when they had no room to grow in a little 1 gal pot.


Well-Known Member
You put them in a bigger home with more room to expand the root system so the rest of the plant grew some more along with it. They probably started flowering early when they had no room to grow in a little 1 gal pot.
that makes a lot of sense! didnt think of that haha root expansion means bigger plant too.