Why are these regs brown?


Active Member
homie gave me an oz of some regs that was brownish color... you can barely see the green on it. why is it all brown and shit ... it smokes good though. but not a strong high.. i got some bullshit weed:-|:joint:

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Homie screwed you. Ya brown weed is USUALLY less potent. Why is it brown? Cause it's shit weed that was botched during grow. Good luck with that. Your homie isn't such a "homie" now is he?


Well if it came from a friend..hopefully you didn't have to pay much or none at all....

welcome to the world of shit regs. I too have the same problem. It doesn't matter who I call out here and what's funny is that the prices vary from person to person..but its all the same brown garbage. The only time I see green is when I pay for dank.

Tru story: I called up dealer#1 to see what he's holding..He tells me..I have that better ari..OK. 75 for a half...pick it up..and its dark brown compressed sh!t...I take it anyways cause dealer #2 is away for the weekend. Get home... smoke and got upset...so I make some calls and find a new guy with supposedly some great regs. 65 for the half...no problem..when it arrives, you can't tell the difference from dealer#1's batch. Seems like there is only 1 main reg supplier out here....lol.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Ya I have gotten brown weed once...well a mix of brown/green. It got me high...and a headache. I have never seen any brown weed in my area though except for that one time and it never came around again. I guess that's just a plus for living in Washington.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Brown weed is old, and not grown well! People near Canada or near California probably have no idea, but this nasty brick weed is common in a lot of areas. Its usually really cheap, and sometimes it can get you really high. Most of the time it gives you a headache, and it makes you really tired. I got some mexican brick weed from L.A. county that was fresh and green, and got me really high. By the time it makes it to the midwest and east coast, its been sitting around for a while. (I am guessing 1-4 years. it would be interesting to know for sure) Since people transport and store it in such quantity, its often stored with no regards to preservation of THC. Often in August and September, before the yearly harvest, things run really dry on good stuff, and we in the midwest are forced to buy the mexican crap. Its quality varies. Usually best rolled up, a vaporizer works great for regs too.