Why Can't Life Ever Just be Easy?


Active Member
There are many guides to happiness, I've stumbled upon many of them. They all work, I just sometimes forget and when everythings going to shit, its all I can think about in my little paranoid mind. A joint always helps and a few beers will always do the trick. Not always the right way to deal with it, its pathetic. Thats the part that gets me down, I have to use drugs as a tool...

The thing that has worked the best for me is meditation. :)

Be careful, I have walked that same line. Things used to get me down to the point that I was just ready to say F##k it, then I would have a beer or some form of drugs to just take away the pain, yes pathetic it was.

Those times came more and more frequent, untill I ended up with a full blown problem.
I have been through treatment three times now. But the last time was the one that finally worked for me.

It gave me a different perspective on life. I still partake, but I only use when I am feeling good. Which is pretty much all the time.
Every once an a while I get that bad day, but I stop and use my cognitive training I learned and things change.

I don't know your situation, but all I am saying is be careful, you really don't want to go the road I did.

Good Luck plantvision


Well-Known Member
Be careful, I have walked that same line. Things used to get me down to the point that I was just ready to say F##k it, then I would have a beer or some form of drugs to just take away the pain, yes pathetic it was.

Those times came more and more frequent, untill I ended up with a full blown problem.
I have been through treatment three times now. But the last time was the one that finally worked for me.

It gave me a different perspective on life. I still partake, but I only use when I am feeling good. Which is pretty much all the time.
Every once an a while I get that bad day, but I stop and use my cognitive training I learned and things change.

I don't know your situation, but all I am saying is be careful, you really don't want to go the road I did.
My situation is not bad at all. Normally that would be the case where you were cool with shit ya know? I mean there really is nothing bad about my life.. Its just me, even before I smoked weed, I was extremely shy and never knew how to act in front of people. I've been put on a very wide variety of drugs since then. Always stop taking them as they are prescribed. Because fuc those things man. Every time I get anti depressants or something, I can just feel myself changing into a self confident, arrogant, dueche over the course of time. ADD meds don't help me with anxiety, only concentration. Concentration, its just because I'm lazy in my opinion, I probably do have a weird case of ADD or something. But I know its anxiety related, so how can it be ADD? My anxiety is so fucking ridiculous, I hate myself for it man.. I feel like a retard for even complaining about this shit, but I have to. I can't fix it. I've tried everything, self medication, medication, meditation, psychologists.. There are short periods where I am fine and can talk to people, but they go away. Its probably just afterglows from various hallucinogens.. I dunno. I feel like I still have the mindset of a 13 year old with all this shit, and no matter what I do it won't change. And it makes life extremely difficult. Normally I'm just a hermit. I enjoy hanging out with my self as opposed to other people. The only activity I enjoy doing with other people is tripping. Everything else, its just a ton more fun and easier alone.. Sorry for this lol everyones gotta vent sometimes and this day in particular is making me wanna punch a hole in my wall.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I always thought when I was younger that life was gonna be hard. Gotta get a job. Gotta pay bills. Gotta struggle just to survive.

It's not like that at all. Life is pretty easy. I mean I have plenty of shit I dislike with it, and I have to work very hard at certain times, but overall it is much easier than anticipated. It's down right fun.


Well-Known Member
order a double cheese all meat pizza, grab a few beers, watch some porn and chill out with a few puffs of nature's finest greenery man
then, when you're nice and toasted, get out that magic marker and do some artwork on the walls