Why didn't other species evolve intelectually like we did?

meechz 024

Active Member
Likes apes eventually mutated to human, why didn't other species at the time take such a big leap as we did?

Does anybody know the answer? I tried googling it and yahoo answers isn't cutting it, ever. So help me out on this one.


Well-Known Member
there's a theory that man followed the coast in his movements, where shellfish was easily obtained in great quantity, full of omega 3's for great brain development.


Well-Known Member
Its basically just another survival trait. Just like how cheetahs run fast or chameleons have long tongues and specialized eyes. We just were the ones with opposable thumbs that were able to manipulate our environment to survive. We started eating differently as a species and we received nutrients in our diet that were beneficial to brain growth and thats basically how I understood it. Its just one of those we weren't the strongest, fastest or biggest thing out there so we found a way to skip traditional survival of the fittest laws. Congregating and building some form of shelter and the ball gets rolling to where we are today lol.


Well-Known Member
Likes apes eventually mutated to human, why didn't other species at the time take such a big leap as we did?

Does anybody know the answer? I tried googling it and yahoo answers isn't cutting it, ever. So help me out on this one.
Apes did not mutate into humans. There is a common ancestor. However, some will tell you that God created humans and evolution is a myth.

And that's just it. There is no answer to this. There are many theories and beliefs. I recommend reading The Third Chimpanzee by Jared Diamond. In fact, I recommend reading many of his books, although that is the one most relevant here.


Active Member
I actually have the answer, but I am going to save it for my book and make trillions..........[insert diabolical laughter]


Well-Known Member
Likes apes eventually mutated to human, why didn't other species at the time take such a big leap as we did?
Really just depends on your criteria for making a "big leap". Humans aren't that great from a survival standpoint - we aren't super abundant, hard to kill, ect. It's easy to be impressed by humans as humans, but if a major event happened (nuke, meteor, ect), we probably wouldn't fair much better than dinosaurs. Hell, 1500 years ago we were dieing to FLEAS, and our biggest predator now is the MOSQUITO -- thats pretty fucking lame.

A lot of what we do is also heavily dependent on fossil fuels - stuff like electricity and space travel and mining and machines probably wouldn't be around unless we had a few million years worth of shit to burn.


Well-Known Member
human population has only declined once in our time due, to climate, its said to drop again around 2050 but who knows.


Well-Known Member
Humans not abundant? Gotta disagree...humans would survive just fine if we had no fossil fuels.


Well-Known Member
Humans not abundant? Gotta disagree
Well, theres 6 billion humans, but like 18 billion chickens, with insect numbers in the trillions and bacteria numbers beyond comprehension.

So yeah, humans aren't really abundant, unless you are comparing them to other large mammals.


Well-Known Member
Likes apes eventually mutated to human, why didn't other species at the time take such a big leap as we did?

Does anybody know the answer? I tried googling it and yahoo answers isn't cutting it, ever. So help me out on this one.
This is merely your misconception. Many animals have developed varying levels of intelligence. Carnivores are many times more intelligent than herbivorous mammals. Most mammals are more intelligent than non-mammals, birds probably being the exception. Primates, chimpanzees and other great apes are more intelligent than most every other mammal, except perhaps some cetaceans. Humans are just one type of primate. We have utilized our intelligence and combined it with the ability to manipulate our environment, making for technology and the ability to preserve thought in a permanent form, allowing for a type of evolution that outpaces the biological one. Without technology and technological evolution, you might not think we were so smart after all.


Well-Known Member
I think he means why nothing has evolved quite like us...everything other than crocodile n turtle. Has evolved, just not like us.


Active Member
Try this one...
Like coach roachs adjust to the poison we put down to kill them, our brains compensate for the brain vacations we take with cannabis over generations...our brain computers get bigger and more powerful then is needed to just survive....we start "daydreaming" or have a pipe dream....and they're off...
add two million years, and...


Well-Known Member
I honestly don't believe we evolved from apes, I am no Bible thumper but how can the ape still be so far behind?...I have no answers only questions n theories.


Active Member
Likes apes eventually mutated to human, why didn't other species at the time take such a big leap as we did?

Does anybody know the answer? I tried googling it and yahoo answers isn't cutting it, ever. So help me out on this one.
and why are there still apes?:wall:


Well-Known Member
Common ancestor. Apes evolved from that, and so did we. We did not evolve from apes.

Why didn't they do as well? Maybe it is all those lice they pick off each other. We lost a lot of our hair, and thus the lice - then we could invent the wheel instead of spending hours scratching ourselves.

Of course, we came full circle. We invented the TV, and some spend hours sitting in front of it, scratching themselves.


New Member
Humans are created to rule over the earth. God made us in His image to commune with Him. This is why we are intelligent with the ability to communicate.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
I honestly don't believe we evolved from apes, I am no Bible thumper but how can the ape still be so far behind?...I have no answers only questions n theories.
It's evolution... or more accurately natural selection, there were many different kinds of monkey/ape/primate type mammals millions of years ago, just like today... depending on which animals survived, would dictate which traits that species would keep. Just so happens a certain species (as well as a few others) developed differently than the rest, they adapted to change much better and survived, passing on specific genes to their offspring which helped them adapt even more (some survived, but many didn't)... over millions of years, through natural selection, the species ability to change to the ever changing environment gave them an advantage to survival. As far as we feeble human animals can tell at least...

It's hard to think about things on such massive time scales when our species only live 100 years if we are lucky, and it hasn't been like this for long either, a mere ten thousand years ago a human animals life expectancy was 30-40 years of age... to think about things in hundreds of thousands, to tens of millions, to hundreds of millions, to billions... it's almost impossible to wrap our minds around the colossal time scales.

It is said, that out of the 4.6 billions years of this planets existence, according to genetic studies, primates diverged from other mammals about 85 million years ago in the late cretaceous period... and homoeructus within 250 thousand years... it seems as if we haven't been here very long on the galactic time scale. As far as we feeble human animals can tell that is, lol.

I don't understand what other animal species we could have evolved through natural selection from.


Well-Known Member
Likes apes eventually mutated to human, why didn't other species at the time take such a big leap as we did?

Does anybody know the answer? I tried googling it and yahoo answers isn't cutting it, ever. So help me out on this one.
humans aren't from earth, we were created in a lab as a slave species to do manual labor way back then.. but thats what google says :)