Why Do Girlfriends Make It So Hard To Grow Herb?


New Member
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.........WHATTTTT? This does not even compute. Ditch this one. QUICK. REAL QUICK. Luckily my girl comes from a long line of asian gangsters. Snitching or the police or anything like that is just....well.....not an option. I'd have to worry about her stabbing me before the police coming. But then I'd just slap her, take the knife from her and have some rough sex. Yeah.

Besides, she knows if I stop growing her ass will be paying 50 bucks per eighth everyday again.

And to all you female growers out there........Mad respect...... REEEEEAAAALLLLLLYYYYYY not sure why growing isn't a more "unisex" sport.


Active Member
Not worried that she's gonna rat. Shit she tokes all day long , with my hard earned herb. Just hate how she gets soo loud that it makes a scene. When she could just talk at a normal tone and the kids wouldn't even know we are having a dispute instead she gets loud and starts slamming shit around and just being irrational. I've never hit her but been realizing why soo many do. she wants to be the one with the pants, how can that be I bring in the dough and do pretty much everything around this place.


Active Member
Would hate the popo to show up though even if they just made me leave. I'd open the door to my car and the whole 25ft radius would reek of the nyc diesel I got in there.


Well-Known Member
Doesnt sound too bad. if your fighting too much maybe its time to put your relationship into check. But other than that work on mending the relationship. otherwise your just making it hard on yourself. Dont wait for her to change either, just do the best you can or get out


Active Member
lol..ide rather ditch her then have ditch weed.

but yeah..from my own experience, two flames only make a bigger fire...when shes hot, be cold. its hard to keep flames going that way. whats her deal with the growing?


Well-Known Member
Just threaten to kick her out, if it gets that far, yer gonna have to ditch growing for awhile, specially if you want the kids. Sorry man, there's no real solution here to have both. The only thing you can do is find out WHY she doesn't like you growing. Then explain that whatever the reason is, is bullshit and she needs to STFU ... nicely of course hehe. My wife hated the fact of me growing at first. Long story behind why I'm still growing and she is ok with it, but basically had a plan and it didn't work out the way it was suppose to and i was stuck with 3g's worth of equiptment lol. Anyways, If you want to make it work, figure out what she has a problem with, go into it with the mindset that you are not going to fight. However, if you don't wanna figure it out and she is just that much of a bitch, then kick her in the cunt and send her on her way, however, scratch growing for awhile if that happens because that is hella ammo against you and bitches be crazy lol


Well-Known Member
Does she work and buy your weed? Until she does she needs to sthu. We both know this isn't going to happen. So you will have to find a new gf, and take a long break from growing. She will turn your ass in 2yrs from now. Communication is your best friend right here, work it out or your growing days are over.


Well-Known Member
Does she work and buy your weed? Until she does she needs to sthu. We both know this isn't going to happen. So you will have to find a new gf, and take a long break from growing. She will turn your ass in 2yrs from now. Communication is your best friend right here, work it out or your growing days are over.
Do i hear an echo? ....


Active Member
The thing is, women does not listen to rational arguments. EVERYTHING IS EMOTIONS to them, it is HOW you say stuff, not WHAT you say.
You have to really understand where her emotions are coming from, or you'll never get along.
I learned that a long time ago, women are not like us that way.


Active Member
lol..ide rather ditch her then have ditch weed.

but yeah..from my own experience, two flames only make a bigger fire...when shes hot, be cold. its hard to keep flames going that way. whats her deal with the growing?
That makes sense . Be cold when she's hot. Just call me winter cuz I'm gonna have to be cold forever lol. Its the unneeded attention that is bothering me. say if one day she gets mad and starts ripping plants out of pots. She knows how hard I work on my garden and spent a lot of money in the past 6 months on killer genetics and would hate for something to happen. I think she's bipolar or something. Cuz this weed makes me calm as fuck. And that's exactly how I talk to her very calm and cool. She watches a lot of reality shows with soo much drama. She's turning into her shows.


Active Member
She doesn't work, but sure as hell likes to smoke dank bud and go shopping all the time. All I do is work and come home everyday. This was my first day off in a couple months. Been trying to save money but its hard when she is thinking the opposite. All I been spending money on is seeds , fertz , basically investments so I never have to buy chronic again.


Well-Known Member
She doesn't work, but sure as hell likes to smoke dank bud and go shopping all the time. All I do is work and come home everyday. This was my first day off in a couple months. Been trying to save money but its hard when she is thinking the opposite. All I been spending money on is seeds , fertz , basically investments so I never have to buy chronic again.
Sucks man, hate people like that. Also hate people that are always pissed off and would rather fight than talk. Hope it works out for ya, I would have personally smacked the crap out of her (emotionally) by now.